Breaking News - 03.02.2024: Just another new CS and again the target to be as Human-Like yes all books Are tuned prefer the Classical Champions openings, from the past to present... Note also that time to time I run similar tournaments, e.g for previous: Results And why again?... for several reasons, other tours played on older hardware.. Plus now many players are via different engines..close/adapted: Chessmetric As other main diff. in older tours were CTG format, where now all books BIN  And as we see, via this tour Kasparov+Komodo managed to be Number One.. Be aware of that too, new CS is coming soon.e.g exactly the same books will Be played by Cfish 030820... and let's see what will be the least I can say..with the planning new book tour, the strongest books will be on Top... Meanwhile, for more detailed information, you can read at OpenChess forum
 The Champion: Kasparov + Komodo - Congrats to Kasparov, Komodo team!
Rank Name                   Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Kasparov + Komodo     2864   25   24   512   61%  2776   21%    2 Carlsen + Rybka       2857   24   23   512   61%  2777   31%    3 Karpov + Shredder     2824   23   23   512   57%  2779   32%    4 Kramnik + Junior      2803   24   24   512   53%  2780   29%    5 Lasker + Sjeng        2802   23   23   512   53%  2780   32%    6 Capablanca + Tornado  2799   24   24   512   53%  2781   30%    7 Botvinnik + Rodent    2792   23   23   512   52%  2781   32%    8 Anand + Fruit         2787   23   23   512   51%  2781   35%    9 Fischer + Gaviota     2786   23   23   512   51%  2781   32%   10 Alekhine + Hannibal   2784   23   23   512   50%  2781   35%   11 Liren + Naum          2777   23   23   512   49%  2782   39%   12 Tal + Pawny           2764   23   23   512   48%  2783   35%   13 Spassky + Hiarcs      2744   23   23   512   44%  2784   35%   14 Steinitz + Zappa      2743   23   23   512   44%  2784   36%   15 Petrosian + Toga      2738   23   23   512   44%  2784   34%   16 Smyslov + ProDeo      2726   23   23   512   42%  2785   32%   17 Euwe + Gambit Fruit   2699   23   23   512   38%  2787   37% 
   • The Ranking is calculated by Bayeselo program / Carlsen is fixed to 2857 Elo 
More Details: Overall draw percentage (based on 4352 games) is not so high 32%• Download all the played tournament games (in PGN): Human-Like 3