Breaking News (24.10.2023):   Another new tour, again with same XXXX's players, again Stockfish 220823 sl   Is Winner..yes..Mr. Eduard's engine is already as Triple of best,   Records that recently seen! and just only a few same versions have such great    Records, e.g one them is RapTora 2.2 managed many times as Champ, if I'm   Not wrong at least 4-5 times..also SF-Poly 220723 managed as Triple Champ..   Btw, Banksia GUI reports SF-Poly as 190723, but actual modified date 220723   And what's new in this tour, all engines are played as without Pre-Learned Exp..   This time, those Balsa openings used, which managed to win before of 3750+   Anyhow, as you may see too.. there is no any effect over the overall draw ratio..   It seems SF team works over eng weaknesses..otherwise I see no explanation..   I mean regarding why the overall high-draw ratio is not reduced...97% too high   Plus as other tour diff. now all participants played with Ponder OFF, 1 Core etc.   In other words, once more any engine performance depends on our used cond.
    XLI's Champion: Stockfish 220823 sl - Congrats to Eduard Nemeth, SF team!
Rank Name                  Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Stockfish 220823 sl  3756    4    4   600   51%  3751   95%    2 Brainlearn 26        3754    4    4   600   50%  3752   97%    3 Tactical 041023      3753    4    4   600   50%  3752   96%    4 SF-Poly 190723       3750    4    4   600   50%  3752   97%    5 Raid v2.73           3750    4    4   600   50%  3752   97%    6 SpecTral 5.0 sl      3750    4    4   600   50%  3752   98%    7 Eman 9.51            3750    4    4   600   50%  3752   95% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Raid v2.73 is fixed to 3750 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• All of NNUE chess engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All of the current engine matches are played via Balsa opening suite       For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead 100   As usually, no any game to be lost on time, it seems all stable engines..• Current overall draw percentage (based on 2100 games) very high: 97%• All of the played tournament games are available (in PGN): NNUE XLI