Breaking News (16.01.2024):Human like tour is over, congrats and thanks to all and here final results...Be aware that I realized to run two separate tourneys, one which is closeAnd above than 65% in Eng Similarity, where the other tour is up to 65%...In other words, Ethereal is won the tour, based on more original engines,Where Cfish is managed to win the tour, based on derivative etc enginesAnd as you may see too, no double unbalanced issues..e.gEvery engine is under test...sure which suits to the current new rules and For anyone missed, as players only small in size (up to 555 KB) allowed..And played the Top engines, which are close to GM level plus 3000+ EloBtw, to be honest, current competition reminded Me the old good days..)Sure time will tell, but I hope to run more frequent Engine matches underMore real, serious conditions..e.g gaining from previous/older data, I mean Playing via BIG help (via Evalfiles ) is already not much exciting as before..E.g many of NEW engines are NOT capable to play at 'Classical' systemOnly via NNUE assistance...otherwise, no way at all...really as sad news...It's like, without compass, you can't find your home's way from 100 meters)But the good news is that we have too many engines, which are capable..Ok..that's all for now, see you later friends and thanks for your interest )
     65%+ Champion: Cfish 030820 - My Congratulations to Cfish, SF Team!     Note: Exactly same Cfish vers (via this tittle) is already 8-times Champ!
Rank Name              Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Cfish 030820     3594   18   18  1000   84%  3224   27%    2 CiChess 170720   3578   18   18  1000   83%  3225   29%    3 CF-EXT 291120    3574   18   18  1000   83%  3226   28%    4 SF-McBrain v4.0  3470   17   17  1000   80%  3176   27%    5 asmFish 9        3468   16   16  1000   74%  3227   32%    6 Don 010216       3320   15   15  1000   63%  3194   30%    7 Robodini 1.1     3250   15   15  1000   54%  3216   25%    8 Critter 1.6a     3195   15   15  1000   50%  3197   33%    9 Strelka 5.5      3159   16   16   900   49%  3177   35%   10 Tactico 2011     3146   16   16   900   48%  3178   33%   11 RobboLito 021q   3140   15   15   930   45%  3192   38%   12 BlackMamba 2     3135   16   16   900   46%  3178   35%   13 IvanHoe 270813   3125   15   15   950   44%  3186   36%   14 Elektro 1.2      3109   15   15   800   51%  3104   39%   15 StingSF 28 AI    3021   16   16   800   39%  3109   34%   16 Murka 3          2927   16   17   950   23%  3197   25%   17 Toga II 280613   2900   17   18   930   20%  3205   20%   18 Naum 3.1         2879   19   19   820   17%  3217   21%   19 Cyclone xTreme   2842   19   19   930   15%  3208   19%   20 Loop 2007        2830   19   20   930   14%  3209   18% 
      • Overall Draw Ratio (based on 9370 games): 26% / Robodini 1.1 fixed to 3250 Elo  
     Up to 65% Champion: Ethereal - Congrats to Andrew Grant, Alayan & Laldon!     Note: Ethereal engine is as 1st time a Winner, nice! but better late than never..
Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Ethereal 14        3433   25   24  1020   90%  2991   17%    2 Stockfish 280316   3355   22   22   800   81%  3067   30%    3 rofChade 2.3       3336   22   22   800   80%  3050   27%    4 Weiss 2            3328   22   21   820   80%  3048   30%    5 Booot 6.5          3312   22   21   780   77%  3061   30%    6 Fritz 18           3308   21   21   820   78%  3051   30%    7 Schooner 2.2       3292   21   21   800   76%  3060   33%    8 Fizbo 2            3259   21   21   820   72%  3050   29%    9 Willow 3.0         3252   21   21   780   71%  3061   28%   10 Wasp 4.50          3239   21   20   780   70%  3057   33%   11 Altair 5.0.0       3224   23   22   800   75%  2963   25%   12 Gull 3             3200   20   20   780   64%  3078   37%   13 Nirvana 2.5        3193   20   20   780   65%  3056   34%   14 Demolito 041021    3191   20   20   760   63%  3079   37%   15 Berserk 4.2.0      3187   24   24   680   67%  2980   29%   16 ChessBrain 4.03    3168   20   20   860   65%  3005   28%   17 Pedone 1.9         3149   20   19   780   59%  3075   33%   18 Andscacs 0.86      3146   20   20   760   59%  3059   35%   19 Senpai 2.0         3119   20   20   780   56%  3068   32%   20 Tucano 9           3060   20   20   780   48%  3070   33%   21 Midnight v6        3053   19   19   780   48%  3069   36%   22 Haninbal 1.4b      3050   19   19   780   47%  3074   33%   23 Polaris 1.8.1      3047   24   24   640   61%  2926   23%   24 Marvin 5.2.0       3043   19   19   780   47%  3070   34%   25 Sjeng ct 2010      2989   20   20   780   41%  3062   29%   26 Gogobello 2.2      2978   20   20   780   39%  3071   34%   27 Hakkapeliitta 3    2973   22   22   720   52%  2944   23%   28 Dirty 231118       2970   22   22   740   49%  2970   25%   29 Komodo 1.3         2962   20   20   780   36%  3077   30%   30 Spark 1.0          2938   20   21   780   37%  3050   30%   31 Gaviota 1.0        2936   21   21   820   42%  3004   21%   32 Quazar 0.4         2931   21   21   780   37%  3051   27%   33 OliThink 5.10.5    2929   21   21   780   35%  3064   24%   34 DisasterArea 16.5  2914   25   24   540   62%  2815   31%   35 Fruit-RE 3.2.1     2903   21   21   820   39%  3003   26%   36 Minko 1.3          2895   21   21   840   39%  2997   22%   37 Atlas 3.80         2887   21   21   800   38%  2998   27%   38 SmarThink 1.70     2873   22   22   740   43%  2938   23%   39 Rodent II 087      2859   21   21   800   39%  2966   25%   40 Pawny 1.2          2851   22   22   760   40%  2939   24%   41 Crafty 25.01       2845   22   22   800   32%  2999   26%   42 Ktulu 9            2825   22   22   740   43%  2900   22%   43 Caissa 0.80        2802   26   26   540   45%  2859   16%   44 Frenzee 3.5.19     2787   24   24   560   48%  2805   24%   45 Bobcat 3.25        2757   22   23   780   29%  2957   21%   46 CT800 v1.45        2743   23   24   820   25%  3002   16%   47 Shredder 7.04      2716   25   26   680   28%  2947   18%   48 The King 3.50      2698   24   24   600   35%  2842   25%   49 Ruffian 2.1.0      2675   25   25   560   33%  2839   21%   50 GarboChess 3       2665   24   25   600   32%  2843   19%   51 Gandalf 4.32h      2600   27   28   680   19%  2950   14%   52 nanoSzachy v4      2583   26   26   600   24%  2845   19%   53 Myrddin 0.89       2562   26   27   600   21%  2846   18%   54 Danasah 4.89       2536   27   28   580   19%  2847   17%   55 Igel 1.1           2529   29   30   620   17%  2922   11%   56 Kimbo 1.00         2500   28   29   580   17%  2828   14% 
       • Overall Draw Ratio (based on 20780 games): 24%  / Gull 3 is fixed to 3200 Elo  
More Details:• All engines up to 555 KB (in size) / 64-bit and avx2 used, where available• All matches are played with newer Balsa ver (based on 700+ openings)  For more fair conditions, each of used opening line is repeated as twice• As usual, all the played games are available (in PGN):  HUMAN LIKE CS For more information regarding current competition: Goi and OpenChess