Hello Chess Friends,

     On this news page,     You can read my postings for B/N CS XXV

    07.01.2024:    This time only 2 entries, but quite strong vers: Unicornio 2 and played also    As alternative by Kayra 1.5 engine as well... so now is much more clear that     Kayra 1.5 seems to be more aggressive..at least the draw statistics confirm..    Btw, Raubfish SC is also very aggressive, otherwise no explanation of that!    Note also that I managed to run other new strength testings, where now it's    Already clear that current Bullet tour can be counted Blitz via Raubfish SC..    Plus today I've organized another new book tour, with the current high-rated    Ones but as main diff.is used: Raubfish SC (22 books, 420 games per player)    Sure in my next updates, I hope to share all these new strength competitions..    So after that you can compare the influences, and what I can say at moment:    The error margin (22 books, 420 games) play as serious role, for this reason    I suggest a lot of games... e.g 1000+ games (per player) seems to be ideal..    Sure vs many various books, otherwise no way to see who is Best of Best    Ok, friends..that's all for now...thanks a lot for your interest..and good luck )
    06.01.2024:    A BIG update 28 entries and as usual standings, draw stats etc changed too     Actually quite normal...you know more better...e.g mostly Top books contain    Over than 1000+ games (per player) and now is more clear, which Engines,    Books are Stronger more Drawish.. and just out of curiosity Everest book    Via Kayra 1.5 engine is played too, yes...the overall draw difference is huge!    Btw, Kayra is almost identical in strength to ShachChess + Zeus:  GAMES    So it's very clear that, Everest + Kayra produced about 7% less draw values..    And why less draws? ok.. here is the answer: mainly due to Book Settings    Because both ShachChess and Zeus prefer to play more various openings      Sure as other reason, Kayra engine seems to be more Aggressive, better     Dynamic style of play and now some may ask: why Kayra is not used for all    Well, for some reasons, e.g Kayra vs Kayra book matches are too Drawish    Actually this is also true Zeus vs Zeus or ShachChess vs ShachChess are    Too Drawish too...I mean much higher than the current overall draw values...    In other words, I preferred as main engines ShachChess vs Zeus, due to    Both engines are used to play more various openings (sure when BM OFF)    Of course, in my next book tours... I may use Kayra as main engine as well..    And let Me say a few words about the current Leading book: DON Hercules    Via current title, only as Hercules vers. managed to be 6-times Champion!!    And to be honest, I can't remember any better, greater record.'best of best' !    Btw, I did not count rest gained DON Champ titles, but believe Me too many..    Sometimes I wonder: how 5 months old opening lines can be so so strong.?    If still not so clear: WHO WİLL STOP  'DON HERCULES '?)     Sure, Red Dragon, ORIONPAX, OPTIMUS, EVEREST etc are great as well    Frankly I am impressed a lot also by Red Dragon's low draw ratio, just 88%    Note also that as next new entry: Unicornio 2 book will be participant..it will     Be played (as alternative) by Kayra 1.5 engine too so later we can compare..
    05.01.2024:    Via latest new update (after 8 entries), the standings are changed...and the     Good news is that currently we have 3 Book Champions, very  interesting!!    Note also that at the moment  I'm too busy..but very soon more details and    More book entries are coming...Meanwhile, for my previous postings News
24.01.2024:Happy New Year! Wishing you good health, happiness and success in 2024!Here is just another book championship and what is new? via current contest, All books are played by ShachChess 32 vs Zeus 26.5 and based on testings,Both engines are performed almost identically..download the strength GAMESNote that tested many other candidate engines (with over than 40.000 games)But I've picked the BEST, less Drawish..sure I'm referring, which are very close To 3750 Elo points..as you may see, current draw-ratio is not so so high: 92% Yes..still acceptable..because some other engines produce 98%-99% draws!Yes. under these new cond. the played Bullet games can be considered BlitzI mean, if we are going to compare with older tours (played by Raubfish SC)In other words, I'm doing my best for more fun and for better strength games!And I think that current tour is not so bad in quality...sure there is possibility toSwitch again to Raubfish...we will see..time will tell...but at least now, via newTour cond. some other authors may have chances to be Number One...why ISay like that.. e.g I am perfectly aware that some are not happy with RaubfishOk..here is different cond..and what is changed? as we see..not much..againDON, ORIONPAX, OPTIMUS, SENTINEL etc are one of the Best/Top ranks..I admit also, Leschats 291223 (non-playchess ver) is doing very good so far...Btw, DON Hercules's draw ratio is one of the lowest 88%, where unfortunatelyOlisFish 201123 (by Skynet) is a strong, but draw master, current 97% draws    Sure..there is nothing impossible, but before..I suggest harder, original work !)    And with serious beta testings before sharing...otherwise...no much chances!    Anyhow..it is just a fun competition.. enjoy..and good luck to all book entries )