Last Update: 23.09.2023
Hello Chess Friends,

Well, here are new, but serious tours of 3500+ Elo, whereVia more original participants, e.g up to 70% (in similarity)!
Note also that (about the Rapid 15m+2s Championship),RapTora 2.2 and Raubfish X48c3 SC are as last entries..Since both are less than 70% (in similarity) too, actuallyThere are more SF-based, which are with less than 70%,But the target to test mainly 3700+ (in case of SF family)And in same time that means (if 3700+) no much choicesTo pick players e.g to be with less than 70% (in similarity)!! 
Please be aware of that too,A Blitz tour organized..sure with same Top players, exc. a fewEngines are out, reason some can not 'ponder' (in opponent'sTurn) for example both Uralochka 3.39d and Viridithas-10.0.0 Btw, very strange that still there are such Top engines 3500+,Which are not able / capable to think (during opponents turn), Normally ok for amateur engines with less than 1000 Elo, but...
Plus Clover 6.0 out unfortunately, reason, not stable..e.g 4 gamesLost on time..and all these buggy games belong to Clover engineOn other hand...this is not so good/fair..some gained easy points!Let's hope all the mentioned engines to be stable in next releases!
Meanwhile, Do you see? if 102 games (per player) what's situation of Elo error margin..Btw for anyone missed, a new Blitz tour organized, played min 640 gamesSo now we have chances to compare the ranking (via more number games)
KomodoDragon wins...impressive...!! Even vs so many strong opponents...
Rapid Champion: KomodoDragon 3.2 - Congratulations to Komodo Team!
Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 KomodoDragon 3.2   3710   16   16   102   63%  3648   72%    2 Stockfish 16       3708   16   17   102   63%  3648   75%    3 Raubfish X48c3 SC  3700   16   17   102   61%  3648   76%    4 RapTora 2.2        3700   16   17   102   61%  3648   78%    5 Berserk 080923     3696   16   17   102   60%  3649   75%    6 RubiChess 180923   3675   17   18   102   55%  3650   78%    7 Caissa 1.12        3664   18   18   102   52%  3650   85%    8 Koivisto 090223    3649   18   18   102   50%  3651   81%    9 C.S.Tal 2.0        3647   18   18   102   49%  3651   84%   10 Igel 3.5.0         3643   19   18   102   48%  3652   76%   11 Revenge 3.0        3642   18   18   102   48%  3652   82%   12 SlowChess 2.9      3635   18   18   102   47%  3652   77%   13 Seer 2.6.0         3629   18   18   102   45%  3653   84%   14 Arasan 24.0        3624   18   17   102   44%  3653   82%   15 Clover 6.0         3610   18   17   102   41%  3654   67%   16 Viridithas 10.0.0  3603   17   16   102   39%  3654   75%   17 Uralochka 3.39d    3595   17   16   102   37%  3655   69%   18 Booot 7.2          3594   17   16   102   37%  3655   67% 
   • Calculated by Bayeselo / RaubFish fixed to 3700 Elo / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details:• Note that all of current players are less than 70% (in similarity): Results• Almost all of NNUE engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All of current eng matches are played via (private) Balsa opening suite         For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead 100   As I stated above, 4 games are lost on time and all belonging to Clover• Current overall draw percentage (based on 918 games) is not high: 76%• All the played tour games are available (in PGN format): XXXVII Rapid