Breaking News (31.10.2023):

   Well, after bad experience with Banksia tour, I've realized to run with almost   Same conditions main difference this time via CuteChess 1.3.1 GUI   Plus I switched to 2m+1s (instead of 3m+1s) and what I can say more, here   All stable..after any buggy game is recorded...just great news!   As final conclusion, definitely some of the engines suffer under Banksia GUI!   And let's hope next Banksia GUI releases to be more stable for game-play...   Note also that during this competition..quite frequent RapTora was leading...   But in last rounds, Stockfish is managed to be Number One...on other hand,   RapTora is old-dated but still not dead...if nothing else under these cond. !   Btw, more info about current tourneys, you can read at: OpenChess forum
    The Champion: Stockfish 231023 - My Congratulations to Stockfish team!
Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Stockfish 231023   3760    8    8   600   68%  3673   65%    2 RapTora 2.2        3757    8    8   600   67%  3673   66%    3 KDragon 3.3        3750    8    8   600   65%  3673   68%    4 Raubfisch X48e     3744    8    8   600   64%  3673   71%    5 Berserk 12         3723    8    8   600   59%  3674   78%    6 Fat Fritz 3        3705    9    9   600   55%  3675   79%    7 RubiChess 180923   3694    9    9   600   53%  3676   77%    8 C.S.Tal 2.0.0      3684    9    9   600   51%  3676   80%    9 Koivisto 090223    3679    9    9   600   50%  3677   77%   10 Caissa 1.13.1      3670    9    9   600   49%  3677   73%   11 Clover 6.0         3670    9    9   600   48%  3677   77%   12 Revenge 3.0        3665    9    9   600   48%  3677   78%   13 rofChade 3.1       3665    9    9   600   48%  3677   77%   14 Igel 3.5.0         3663    9    9   600   47%  3677   80%   15 Seer v2.7.0        3647    9    9   600   44%  3678   74%   16 Fire 8NN MC3       3642    9    9   600   43%  3679   77%   17 SlowChess 2.9      3635    9    9   600   42%  3679   71%   18 Viridithas 11.0.0  3621    9    8   600   39%  3680   69%   19 Arasan 24.0        3620    9    8   600   39%  3680   69%   20 Uralochka v3.39d   3619    8    8   600   38%  3680   71%   21 Booot 7.2          3599    8    8   600   34%  3681   62% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / SlowChess fixed to 3635 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• All of NNUE chess engines are AVX2, tested via their default Evalfiles• All engine matches played via CuteChess GUI concurrent games: 64• In this new championship, up to 70% (in similarity) are allowed as well• All of the current engine matches are played via Balsa opening suite       For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead 100   And I have good news, as far as I noticed no any game is lost on time  It seems via Cutechess 1.3.1: all of these Top engines are stable..nice• Current overall draw percentage (based on 6300 games) not high: 73%• All of the played tour games are available (in PGN): NNUE CS XLIII