Breaking News (30.10.2023):

   Another new tour, but after checking...I realized to cancel the current tourney   As reason, I noticed at least 10 games (lost on time) in less than 22-23 moves   I say  'lost on time' but I may be wrong..perhaps there is something other issue   But it's very clear that under these cond., some engines suffer under Banksia..   It seems, for overall eng testings: CuteChess seems to be as best chess GUI,   Because no any similar buggy games are least in latest tours..!!   However, I hope Banksia will be optimized, fixed...(in case of newer releases)   Btw, frankly I like Banksia is true that not so stable.. but no any work is   Perfect...on other hand, Banksia offers so many useful options..and it will be   A BIG miss if the new Banksia GUI version to be not fixed..thanks in advance
    The Current Leader Stockfish 231023 - Congratulations to Stockfish team!
Rank Name                Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Stockfish 231023   3768    8    8   468   69%  3676   61%    2 RapTora 2.2        3760    8    8   480   67%  3678   65%    3 KDragon 3.3        3747    9    9   479   64%  3676   68%    4 Raubfisch X48e     3745    8    8   519   64%  3677   70%    5 Berserk 080923     3719    8    9   542   58%  3677   79%    6 Fat Fritz 3        3709    9    9   500   55%  3679   80%    7 RubiChess 180923   3702    9    9   506   54%  3679   79%    8 C.S.Tal 2.0        3698    9    9   503   53%  3681   79%    9 Koivisto 090223    3682    9   10   485   50%  3681   77%   10 rofChade 3.1       3678    9    9   501   49%  3681   79%   11 Caissa 1.13.1      3674    9    9   492   49%  3680   81%   12 Revenge 3.0        3673   10   10   487   48%  3681   80%   13 Clover 6.0         3670    9    9   501   48%  3679   79%   14 Igel 3.5.0         3664    9    9   496   46%  3683   76%   15 Fire 8NN MC3       3648    9    9   509   44%  3680   75%   16 Seer 2.6.0         3640    9    9   508   42%  3681   75%   17 SlowChess 2.9      3640    9    9   474   41%  3684   71%   18 Viridithas 11.0.0  3630    9    9   533   40%  3682   69%   19 Uralochka v3.39d   3620    9    9   512   37%  3684   66%   20 Arasan 24.0        3615    9    9   490   37%  3682   67%   21 Booot 7.2          3610    9    9   503   36%  3681   66% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / RapTora  is fixed to 3760 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details• All of NNUE chess engines are AVX2, tested via their default EvalfilesAll engine matches are played via Babksia GUI concurrent games: 64• In this championship, up to 70% (in similarity) allowed... note also that   Many of the current engine vers are minus plus 65% close to Stockfish..• All of the current engine matches are played via Balsa opening suite       For more fair conditions: each of the opening line is repeated as twice• Sure where possible: all of engines are played via move overhead 100   Unfortunately this time, at least 10 games recorded to be lost on time...  it seems via Banksia 0.58/RC1 GUI not all engines are so stable..sad..• Current overall draw percentage (based on 5244 games) not high: 74%• All of the played tour games are available (in PGN): NNUE Cancelled