Breaking News (14.12.2023):Another new series of tours organized, where Corchess performed as best!But you may see too...if we are going to compare with previous results: XLVWe will see that almost no much Elo progress...but quite normal, since notLong time past..for this reason in every 3-5 months I have to run these test...Ok...that's all for now...exc. all new engines, which have CTG book future...Are buggy again..sure in game-play mode, when using CTG opening booksE.g one of serious bug is that CTG green marked lines are not strictly used..Plus Blue colored lines are used to play too...sad... where under Fritz GUI:Blue colored moves are never played, besides, again several times buggyGames, which are lost on time (disconnected from game).. but I admit thatEngine releases of May 2023 do not forfeit on time...but they are buggy tooSure I mean in case of not following strictly the green marked opening lines..Note:The mentioned CTG bugs are NOT related with current tourney..theyAre recorded on my CTG testings and again and again I hope to be fixed...Thank you in advance ) 
     XLVI's Champion: CorChess - Congratulations to I. Ivec, Stockfish Team!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Corchess 071223   3773    5    5  1200   51%  3767   94%    2 Killfish 071223   3769    5    5  1200   50%  3767   94%    3 Sun Light 3 sl    3769    5    5  1200   50%  3767   92%    4 AWOL Z11          3769    5    5  1200   50%  3767   91%    5 Brainlearn 26.5   3769    5    5  1200   50%  3767   93%    6 Tactical 111223   3768    5    5  1200   50%  3767   93%    7 Spectre IG 2.95   3768    5    5  1000   50%  3768   92%    8 EMAN 9.80         3766    5    5  1200   50%  3767   92%    9 Hazard 4.1        3766    5    5  1200   50%  3767   93%   10 Stockfish 121223  3765    5    5  1200   50%  3767   92%   11 Yuliirma 2.1      3765    5    5  1000   50%  3768   90%   12 Air Razer v1.0    3764    5    5  1000   49%  3768   92%   13 Cool Iris 11.70   3763    5    5  1000   49%  3768   93% 
       • Calculated by Bayeselo / Eman is fixed to 3766 Elo  / Blue Name = Last Update
More Details:• All NNUE chess engines are AVX2 and tested via theirs default Evalfiles• All matches are played with newer Unique ver (based on 500+ openings)  For more fair conditions, each of used opening line is repeated as twiceThe overall draw-ratio is 92% again (same draw stats as in previous XLV)• All the played tournament games are available (in PGN): NNUE CS XLVI