Breaking News (18.01.2024):For anyone missed, a new CS organized, in the name of Mr. Homayoun!Frankly, I like it...really sometimes nice to see and test favorite ones too!As in recent tour, again two separate tourneys are played, but this timeWhat is new? e.g as additional, GRAND Duel Match is organized as well..As I stated before, all belong mainly to 2017 and if you ask why this year?In short, due to interest.. plus as other reason, simply for more fair cond...Otherwise, imagine..if SF2024 releases will be not so fair..right ?) E.g only Xiphos 0.6 (released in 2019) is as newest engine (in this tour)Be aware that too Stockfish 051217 is newest (if comparing all of 2017)Where Shredder 13 is oldest..released on Oct 2016, but all rest in 2017In other words, mostly are released in close dates (about 7 years ago..)For more info about current competition, you can read Goi + OpenChess
GRAND Champion (10m+5s) asmFish- Congrats to TypingALot, SF team!100 games, played at Rapid, between both Winners (asmFish vs Houdini)
     65%+ Champion asmFish 191117 Congratulations to TypingALot, SF team!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 asmFish 191117    3474    8    9   660   52%  3462   88%    2 SF-020917 IP      3470    9    9   660   51%  3463   86%    3 BrainFish 230917  3469    8    9   660   51%  3463   89%    4 CorChess 180917   3468    9    9   660   51%  3463   87%    5 Raubfisch ME262   3468    9    9   660   51%  3463   83%    6 Klasman Father    3465    9    9   660   50%  3463   88%    7 asmFish WD        3465    9    9   660   50%  3463   89%    8 Toltec Sambala    3463    9    9   660   50%  3463   88%    9 McBrain v2.7      3461    9    9   660   50%  3463   86%   10 CFish 090917      3454    9    9   660   48%  3464   82%   11 CiChess 220917    3453    9    8   660   48%  3464   86%   12 Aristides v2d     3450    9    8   660   48%  3464   86% 
      The Overall Draw Ratio (based on 3960 games) is little bit high: 86%
     Up to 65% Champion: Houdini 6.03 - Congratulations to Robert Houdart!
Rank Name               Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws    1 Houdini 6.03      3470   14   14   800   72%  3309   43%    2 Stockfish 051217  3458   14   13   800   71%  3310   48%    3 Komado 11.2.2     3433   14   13   800   67%  3314   48%    4 Xiphos 0.6        3340   13   13   800   52%  3325   53%    5 Fire 6.1          3282   13   13   800   43%  3332   52%    6 Shredder 13       3275   13   13   800   41%  3333   52%    7 Fizbo 2           3270   14   14   800   41%  3334   44%    8 Ginkgo 1.96       3211   14   14   800   32%  3341   44%    9 Andscacs 0921     3202   14   14   800   31%  3342   43% 
       • The Current Overall Draw Ratio (based on 3600 games) is not so high: 48% 
More Details:All chess engines 64-bit, POPCNT or Modern is used, where available  As far as possible, I picked 3000+ engines, but released in close dates..This time, Eng size limit is increased up to about 2 MB (uncompressed)• All matches are played with newer Balsa ver (based on 700+ openings)  For more fair conditions, each of used opening line is repeated as twice• As usual, all played games are available (in PGN):  NON-NNUE CS VIII