Striking Skills

We will start with the basic striking skills using focus mitts and shields.


Your stance is the foundation of your ready position. Think of the foundation of your house. Without a strong foundation the house will fall. You need a strong ready position, balanced and ready to move in any direction.

Position your self sideways so that you are presenting your shoulder toward your target. If you are right handed, stand with your left shoulder in front. If you are left handed, stand with your right shoulder in front. (In class we will be working both sides.) Your feet are shoulder width apart. As a guide, you want to keep the heel of your back foot in line with the toe of your front foot. ( Look at the Diagram)

Look at the diagram below on the affects of different stances.

Keep a slight bend in the knees. Your weight should be balanced so that you are not leaning too far forward or too far back.

Your hands should be about chin to cheek level. Palms turned in. Tuck your elbows in close to your sides so that you are protecting your torso. Bend you head slightly forward. Chin tucked in, eyes forward to view your target.

Punches: When making a fist the thumb rests below the tucked in fingers, not curled inside the fist. Avoid "White Knuckles". Don't clench your fist tight until just before striking the target. Hands are held lose in ready position. This way you don't use the energy until you need it.

  1. Jab: Flick or Stick. This is a punch thrown with the lead hand straight from the chin in direct line toward your target. Rotate your fist
  2. Straight or Cross: Power Punch. The back hand is thrown straight from the chin to the target. It is powered by a torquing torso and pivoting off the back foot. The elbow stays tucked until it extends with the punch. do not draw it back for more "power". Remember the power is coming from the legs and back.
  3. Hook: Inside Power Punch Bring the elbow up of the lead hand, parallel to the floor. The arm forms a sort of hook. Rotate the fist Palm down or Palm in. Pivot off the front foot while striking the target.
  4. Upper Cut:Power Punch. From the ready position, "roll" the shoulder. Your elbow will drop near the hip. Rotate the fist palm up. Slight squat from the legs. Punch as you push off the ground timing the legs, back, shoulder, and arm together as you strike the target.


No matter what direction you are moving start with the lead foot. If you are moving forward start with the front foot. If you are moving backward your first step starts with the back foot. If you are moving right start with the right foot first. If you are moving left start with your left foot first. Do not over step or cross step. You want to maintain your stance quickly as you move. Make quick directional changes by pivoting off the lead foot and sweeping the rear foot around it.

  1. Forward
  2. Backward
  3. Right
  4. Left


  1. Front Kick: The front kick we will be practicing is a power front kick that starts with the back leg in the ready position. Bring the knee up, flex the foot, and strike leading with the heel of the foot.
  2. Side Kick: Bring the knee up, flex the foot, strike leading with the heel.
  3. Round House: Pivot off the front foot, bring the knee up, point the toe, and strike with the instep or the top of the foot (laces of the shoe).

See the diagram below for an illustrated view of the striking skills.

Major Defensive Points:

Keep your eyes on your target.

Keep your guard up - READY POSITION.

Keep your chin down.

Keep moving.

Don't lunge your punches.

After every action recover immediately to the READY POSITION.