100 Push Up Challenge

Want to challenge yourself? Try the 100 push up challenge. Complete 100 proper push ups in a single effort. You have 6 weeks. Your initial test will need to take place on the Thursday or Friday (depending on when I have you in class). If you miss the initial test come see me during lunch and you can get it done. Based on the number of push ups you performed in the initial test, choose the appropriate workout to train. You will do this workout 3 times a week.

The official start date will be Sept 9. Our 100 push up challenge will be Oct 24th or Oct. 25th. Since I do not see some classes everyday, you will need to do some of the training on your own. It is only 3 days a week so, stay with it.

  • If you managed 5 or less pushups in the test, follow column 1.
  • If you completed between 6 and 10 pushups, column 2 is for you.
  • Between 11 and 20 consecutive pushups? Impressive! Column 3 is what you're looking for.
  • More than 20 pushups? I would suggest starting the program on Week 3. Choose either Column 2 or 3 based on the number of pushups you managed in your initial test. You can find weeks 2-6 on the file below. Just download the workout plan. Keep track of your push ups each workout day in your notebook. Put the date and the number of GOOD-FORM push ups you complete.

This is Week 1