Stranger Awareness & Child Lures

Top 5 Safety Rules to Remember

We have had some really good discussion clarifying and going over scenarios based on the safety rules and child lures. If you have any question please ask me.

1. Never walk alone, play alone, or go to a public restroom alone.

2. Always look back when you walk by someone.

3. Don't help a stranger, talk to a stranger, don't even stop and listen.

4. Keep a stranger more than 5 arm- lengths away.

5. Never walk with the flow of traffic. You need to see the drivers face and the car coming towards you.


From Ken Wooden the Nations leading expert on Child Abduction

We have gone over a number of child lures that predators may use toward children to avoid detection. Remember to trust your instincts if you feel uneasy, uncomfortable, or someone seems creepy it probably is and should be investigated. Report it to your parents, and adult on school campus, or other adult that you trust to help you.

Below are just some of the lures we have gone over in class. Many times predators will use more than one lure at a time to gain your trust and and avoid detection of trying to hurt a child or young adult.

Please go to the website above to get more information.

1. Assistance Lure: The most lethal lure. Perpetrator breaks down the Stranger Danger barrier by humanizing themselves and becoming familiar to the child.

2. Pet Lure: Using the lure of a lost pet to talk to children. Remember a good adult will never ask kids for help to find lost pets or anything else.

3. Authority Lure: Using a fake badge and convincing story to convince kids to let them in the house. This could be a fake police badge, fire badge, or even a city worker.

4. Bribery Lure: Promising or giving money or gifts.

5. Job Lure: Older kids are offered jobs with good pay to lure them in. John Wayne Gacey used this lure to torture and murder 33 young men before he was caught.

6. Computer Lure: Predator asks probing questions and turns the child against the parents and tries to get the child to meet in person. They can use fake profiles and information to make you think you are talking to someone your own age.

These are just 6 of the 17 we went over in class. See me or please go on the website: to get more information.