Parking & Vehicle Rules


All residents, owners, contractors, caregivers and guests may park in any Visitor Parking stall Monday thru Sunday from 8 am to 8 pm. Any vehicle left in Visitor Parking after 8 pm without a proper permit will be subject to ticketing. After two warning tickets have been issued the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. 


Visitors may park in Visitor Parking at any time. However, if staying overnight, residents must contact the Property Manager to request a Temporary Overnight Permit. 

Overnight Guests 

Residents may apply for a Temporary Overnight Permit for a maximum of 4 days. All Permits will include: 1. The address of the resident, and 2. The date of arrival and departure. Anyone staying longer than 4 days must park in the surrounding neighborhood (city streets) outside of the Cherrywood HOA property.  

Disabled Residents 

Parking required for Disabled Residents will be brought to the attention of the Property Manager, and addressed on a case-by-case basis . 

Nonstandard Vehicles 

Trailers, campers, RVs, motor homes, and commercial vehicles may only park in Visitor Parking from Monday through Sunday from 8 am to  8 pm.  

Fire Lanes 

Unattended vehicles parked in Fire Lanes, driveways, or in front of garages will be considered to be blocking Fire Lanes. As such, they will be subject to immediate towing (at the vehicle owner’s expense) without prior notice or ticketing.  

Please email any questions, comments, or concerns about the Parking and Vehicle Rules to our Cherrywood HOA Property Manager.

City of Sunnyvale Vehicle Abatement

Tips for Identifying an Abandoned Vehicle

To report a nuisance vehicle:

Tips to Avoid Complaints