Board Meeting Reports

Upcoming Meetings

The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. The Board will meet following Santa Clara County Guidelines. All homeowners are welcome and encouraged to attend. A Zoom link will be provided.

July 2024

The meeting began with Open Forum and heard homeowner issues. The minutes of the June 2024 meeting were approved as written.

The financials were reviewed, and their new format briefly addressed. The CDs coming due at the end of June will be rolled over if the rates continue to be above 4%. The Year End closing will officially be June 30, 2024. Issues with the new CINC system were discussed.

There were no rentals of the Clubhouse during the preceding month. A hose valve was found to be leaking in the pool area. It will be replaced. Some of the grass area around the pool is dying. The timers on the sprinklers will be adjusted to increase the watering of the lawn area. In fact, the sprinklers in general are still being inspected to clear up ongoing issues.

Since the landscapers who work around the complex are not being proactive about the conditions, a Landscape Committee has been formed. This committee will try to better monitor conditions within the complex and work with the landscapers to address problems.

The resident whose architectural application was rejected last month, returned this month with it revised. The revised application was approved.

Security within the complex remains stable. The requested safety guardrail has been installed. The tree installation proposal was approved. And even though it is several months away, the gutter cleaning proposal was approved so we could get preferential placement on the fall calendar.

Condo Elects was approved to act as Inspector of Elections again this year.

June 2024

The meeting began with a report from Cassidy Rajkovich of Brook Construction giving an update on the status of the SB326 Balcony Repair Project.

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.

The minutes of the May 2024 meeting were approved as written. The financials were reviewed. It was decided to roll over the CD that matures at the end of June if the rates are still favorable.

There were no recent rentals of the Clubhouse. There were two architectural applications for air conditioning installation. One was approved as is. The other was sent back to the resident for clarification of information.

Watering issues were discussed during a review of the landscaping. The large areas of dying lawn are attributed to a problem with the sprinklers being shut off for the rainy season, repairs they need, and a confusion with the work orders and invoices. It should all be straightened out soon, and fixes to the system are coming. Bids are also being sought to replace the trees taken out along the pool fence.

May 2024

The meeting began with a report from Cassidy Rajkovich of Brook Construction giving an update report on the status of the SB326 Balcony Repair Project. 

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.

The minutes for the April 2024 meeting were approved as written. Then the financials were reviewed. Current CD rates were discussed, and it was decided that the two CDs that mature at the end of the month will be rolled over. The Reserve Study was approved.

There have been no recent rentals of the Clubhouse. The chairs were cleaned. A chip was discovered in the glass of one of the paintings, but when this occurred is unknown. There will be an insurance inspection of the Clubhouse this week. 

The grass is dying in several locations around the complex. The cause will be investigated. The area where the clover was killed off will be reseeded with grass seed. 

The pedestrian handrail was installed. Outside lights that are out were identified and the bulbs will be replaced. Construction of a guardrail between 606 and 628 West Garland (the drop off into garage area) was approved.

April 2024

The meeting began with a report from Cassidy Rajkovich of Brook Construction giving an update report on the status of the SB326 Balcony Repair Project.

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.

The minutes for the March 2024 meeting were approved as written. The financials were summarized for the Board by Dan (Pizano) of CMS and discussed. A decision on renewing two CDs was put off till next month when it is closer to their maturity date. The purchase of an additional $200,000 CD was authorized. A final decision on the reserve study was postponed until more is known about the expected costs of the SB326 repairs. 

The budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 was discussed and approved (see note below). Any decision on a vote for a special assessment to cover SB326 repairs was postponed until the Board is presented with the estimates from Silicon Valley Builders Group. 

There were no rentals of the clubhouse, no architectural applications to approve, no security report and no pest control report. 

It was decided to leave the one pedestrian gate next to the car entrance that is welded shut to remain so. A handrail will be installed along the concrete pathway inside the complex for the other pedestrian gate.

Annual Budget Approved 

The Cherrywood HOA Board of Directors has approved the 2024-2025 budget which includes a 4% increase to the monthly assessment thereby raising the new monthly fee to $560/month effective July 1, 2024. Please bear in mind that our property management company initially recommended a 7% increase in the monthly fee due to the current cost of inflation, the increases in our annual earthquake insurance rate, operating expenses, and general repairs. The Board took a hard look at the proposed 2024-2025 budget and made some adjustments to limit the increase to 4%. Fortunately, our CD investments are paying excellent interest (for now) that will help to replenish our reserve funds.

March 2024

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting. There was a discussion of problems SB326 is causing with the sale or refinancing of units.

The minutes for the February 2024 meeting were approved as written. The financials were discussed and approved. One of the CDs matures at the end of March, and the Board voted to roll it over for another 3 months if the rate was 4.8% or greater.

James O’Connor, Cherrywood’s insurance broker, spoke about the current state of the insurance industry, and explained his company’s quote. The Board then voted to approve the current quote so the liability and earthquake policies for the complex could be renewed.

The Board will meet offline to discuss the 2024-25 budget. The final budget will be sent to the membership sometime in April. It is expected to take effect on July 1st.

Two architectural applications were approved. One for air conditioning installation and the other for a remodel. A proposal to finish a re-pipe job was also approved.

A proposal to clean out the sewers with a hydro flush was tabled for now. CMS will ask the landscaper for a better price to mow the ivy. The proposal to replace a section of fence was approved. There will be an inspection walk of the complex in the next few weeks.

Quotes will be sought to add a railing along the walkway to the pedestrian gate next to the entrance gate for cars. Also, a quote to re-open the pedestrian gate that was welded shut next to the exit gate for cars. That one will require a crossbar to steady it.

There was only one event held in the Clubhouse during the past month. However, the door was found to be left unlocked one night during the past month. There are still problems with the timer for the jacuzzi, so a workorder will be issued to investigate it.

February 2024

The meeting began with a report from Cassidy Rajkovich of Brook Construction giving an update report on the status of the SB326 Balcony Repair Project.

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.

The minutes of the January 2024 meeting were approved as written. Then the financials were summarized for the Board by Dan (Pizano) of CMS. Current CD rates were discussed. Sorther term rates are higher right now, so it was decided to let the current CD roll over for another 3 months and purchase an additional 3-month CS.

There was an architectural application to allow for the installation of a sliding glass door. It was approved. A re-piping issue was discussed.

The security report shows that the gates are in good working order, the pool-spa area is secure but the lights in the ladies' room won't turn on (work order issued), parking issues are at a minimum, and one parking permit was issued.

The CMS Management Agreement was approved for 2024, and the Reserve Study proposal was approved. A site inspection to map all the sewer access points was commissioned. This will require access to individual patios to locate all of them.

Tree trimming of overgrown branches will begin soon.

January 2024

The meeting began with a report from Cassidy Rajkovich of Brook Construction giving an update report on the status of the SB326 Balcony Repair Project.

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum portion of the meeting.

The Board members assumed various Board positions for the upcoming year:

·   Darryl Alford – President

·   Habib Karaki – Vice President & Clubhouse

·   Charles Chae – Treasurer & Architectural Committee

·   Isabelle Chianyi Ang – Secretary

·   Tina Andreini – Member-at-Large & Landscape

The minutes for the November 2023 meeting were approved as written. The minutes for the November 30, 2023, Annual Meeting were approved.

The financials were discussed. The overage during November was associated with the mailings for the Annual Meeting and Board Election.  The HOA currently has only one CD and it won’t mature until March. The Board approved Civil Code 5502 Compliance which allows the HOA to pay their bills electronically,

There was one architectural application to allow for the installation of air conditioning. It was approved.

The security report shows that the gates are in good working order, the pool-spa area is secure, parking issues are at a minimum, and a work order has been issued for the outside lights that need bulb replacements.

The City has suggested the HOA conduct a sewer hydro flush of the complex. CMS is in the process of obtaining bids to conduct one.

Removal of the ivy fences was approved. Removal of diseased trees and the trimming of overgrown branches was approved.

December 2023

The Board does not hold a regular meeting during December, and will return to business on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 7pm.

This month's newsletter will report on the 2023 Annual Homeowners Meeting which ws held on Thursday, November 30th this year. The Board President, Darryl Alford, gave the Treasurer's Report and President's Message. They are reprinted in the December newsletter for those who were unable to attend.

Condo Elects certified the election of officers. Darryl Alford and Tina Andreini (both incumbants) and Charles Chae were elected to serve on the Board. A copy of the certificate was attached to the newsletter.

November 2023

The Board heard from Cassidy Rajkovich (SB326 Project Manager) and Rodney Jones (Orkin) prior to the official start of the meeting.

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. A problem with the exit gate and a gushing sprinkler head were reported.

The financials were discussed. There were a few overages in costs this last month, but the switch from an AT&T landline to Comcast wireless for the gate controller is expected to bring down the cost. Both CDs mature in December and will be rolled over if the interest rate is favorable.

Three was one rental of the Clubhouse during the past month, and no architectural applications to review. The jacuzzi in the clubhouse has been repaired and is once again available.

There was a walkthrough of the complex by the Landscape Committee, the landscaper, and Property Manager. A list of issues to be addressed was made.

The Board Does not meet in December. The next meeting of the Board will be in January 2024.

October 2023

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. One homeowner asked tob be heard during an executive session after the business portion of the meeting.

The minutes of the September 12 meeting were approved as written. The financial statements were gone over, and Cherrywood was slightly under budget during September. The CD that is maturing will not be renewed so the HOA will have liquid assets for upcoming expenses.

Landscape proposals were discussed. The two (2) for sprinkler repairs were approved. Proposals for clearing overgrown ivy wll need further qualification.

There were no architectural applications to approve. The security report found two (2) pole lights were out. A work order is being issued to fix them. The completion to re-pipe a unit was approved.

The proposal from American Leak Detection Spa Repair was higher than anticipated. A decision on whether to proceed was tabled to next meeting.

September 2023

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. The minutes of the August 8th meeting were approved as corrected. The financial statements were gone over. We are currently slightly over budget on the water line item. The pipes will be inspected for a possible leak. Two CDs were purchased using some of the HOAs reserve funds. The annual audit and financial review by Allen & Cook was approved for distribution.

The clubhouse doors are being repaired. The jacuzzi is still unavailable for use until the leak in the water line is found and repaired. The heat for the pool will be turned off mid-September, and the umbrellas will be brought in from the pool area in mid-October.

Jensen Landscape has taken over from Medallion. They will be working onsite more than one day a week until they can catch up on a check list of issues.

An architectural application for a bathroom remodel was approved.

A method and contractor for termite treatments was agreed upon and the contract will be signed soon.

August 2023

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. The minutes of the July 11th meeting were read and approved. The financial statements were gone over. We are currently under budget. The Board voted to reinvest the matured CDs since the rates are favorable right now.

The Board has engaged the services of a new landscaping contractor. Jensen Landscape will be taking over from Medallion starting September 1st.

The security report made note that six (6) light poles were out. They are all along the same line so the electrician will be asked to check for a short in the wiring.

There were no rentals of the clubhouse in July. There were no new architectural applications brought before the Board. The final holdout of the laundry vent cleaning was finally completed.

There was an update on the work being done at 651 East Garland. It required some structural repairs to a support beam.

The company who installed our current security cameras will be contacted regarding the feasibility of placing a new camera to watch the back gate and cement wall.

The Board decided to go forward with the non-gas/tenting method to treat termites. A contract will be signed, and a schedule of buildings will be drawn up.

Board Nominations 2023

The time has come again to request volunteers to serve on the Cherrywood HOA Board of Directors. This is your best opportunity as a homeowner to get involved with the decision-making process of our community.  The position carries a two-year commitment that does ask that you attend monthly HOA meetings. Three (3) positions are available this year.

Any member who would like to be a candidate for the Board of Directors must complete, sign and return a Nomination Form to Dan Pizano at CMS via email (, US mail (CMS, Attn: Dan Pizano; 1935 Dry Creek Road, Suite #203; Campbell, CA 95008) or fax (408-559-1970).

Deadline for returning the Nomination Form is Monday, August 28, 2023. If you miss the deadline, your name will not appear on the ballot. Please let Dan know if you need a Nomination Form and one will be delivered to your mailbox.

Condo Elects will be retained as Cherrywood’s Inspector of Election again this year.

July 2023

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. The minutes of the June 13 meeting were read and approved. The financial statements were gone over. The HOA was over budget for the year due to some unanticipated expenses. It ws decided to seek financial advice before reinvesting the matured CDs.

Clubhouse, pool and jacuzzi issues were discussed. Landscaper proposals were idscussed, and a new one will be engaged soon. Property Management will seek to get Cherrywood on the gutter cleaning company's calendar for early November. One of the units was approved for a re-pipe.

Four architectural applications were heard, all for the installation of air conditioning. One of the AC installations requires additional diagrams to go with its application before it can proceed further. The other three were approved.

The carpenter bees found in one of the units were determined not to be a problem. They will move on once they hatch.

The concrete wall between our complex and the 4-plexes next door is reaching the end of its predicted life span. The people living on the other side have damaged it and continue to throw trash over the wall onto our property. The managers of those units will be contacted to see what, if any, accommodation can be reached.

June 2023

Homeowner issues were heard during the Open Forum phase of the meeting. The minutes of the May 9th meeting were read and approved. The financial statements wer gone over the HOA is staying within its budget. However, we did have to dip into the reserves for unexpected repairs.

Clubhouse, pool and jacuzzi issues were discussed. Landscape and sprinkler issues were reviewed.

Three architectural applications were heard: a security screen door and two AC installations One of the AC installations requires additional diagrams to go with its application before it can proceed further.

A report was given by our security committee. The pedestrian gates are in good condition. The timer on the entrance gates has been reset. They will be open 2 hours in the mornig and 2 hours in the afternoon during commute times to cut down on wear and tear of the gate mechanisms. The gate access system (call box) is going to be updated soon.

Various plumbing and sewer bids were reviewed. Bids submitted by new landscaper services were compared, and clarifications were requested. A walkthrough with the potential candidates will be scheduled.

May 2023

Homeowner issues were heard. Then the Board heard a preliminary report from CMA regarding the destructive testing inspections. Following CMA, Killroy presented their termite treatment proposal.

The minutes of the April meeting were approved. After that the Board delved into a few financial matters, including the passage of the budget for fiscal year 2023/24.

The walkthrough of the property with the landscaper found some needed sprinkler repairs, plants in need of tending or replacement and a dead tree in the pool area that needs to be taken out. there was a discussion about removing the oleander plants and replacing them with something non-toxic CMS will also seek bids from alternative landscapers.

Three architectural applications for the installation of air conditioning were heard and approved. The Board discussed the possibility of making a list of recommended vendors that residents could be directed to in the future who would already be familiar with Cherrywood requirements.

Repairs to the unit damaged by the water sprinkler hittig the side of the building were discussed and the work scheduled. The sprinkler will also be relocated so that water damage does not reoccur.

April 2023

Homeowner issues were heard, and the minutes of the March meeting were approved. The March financials were good. Our water costs were down, even if repair costs were up, and we are currently under budget for the year.

CMA gave a preliminary verbal report of their visual inspection and spoke about the next phase.

The Board made arrangements to meet via Zoom to go over the budget for the 2023/24 fiscal year. Setting the budget now is necessary to determine the HOA dues for the new year.

Medallion Landscape is trimming the bushes and edging the ivy and has fertilized the rose bushes. The sprinklers have been turned back on and the lines will be inspected for damage. The Board will be scheduling a landscape walk to inspect the grounds with the landscaper after the work defined in their proposal has been completed.

There were four architectural applicaitons submitted for approval to the Board. Three were tabled pending further information. The fourth was approved. An architectural violation walk through will be scheduled.

The entrance gate will be inspected for damage because it has been staying open during the day.

There are still five units that have not had their dryer vents inspected and cleaned. CMS will try to contact the owners to get this taken care of.

March 2023

Homeowner issues were heard, and the minutes of the February meeting were approved.

The financial statements and investments were reviewed. The Association's investments are in CD's and spread over seven (7) different banks.

Proposals for landscaping were discussed. The mowing of the ivy was postponed for at least a year. The landscaper will edge it instead. After discussion, it was decided that the olive trees don't need to be sprayed every year. A proposal to beautify the area around the guard shack just inside the entrance was approved.

The dryer vent cleaning has gone well. Chimney Safe reports there are only eight (8) units left to be done.

Unfortunately, there has been an increase in the cost of the earthquake portion of the blanket insurance policy for the complex. The insurance agent was present at the meeting and explained it as a function of the secondary insurance market that covers catastrophic occurrences such as acts of nature. This increase mainly reflects the hurricanes in Florida and the losses taken by that secondary market. He expects costs to decline next year.

It was decided to table any work on the pool for at least six (6) months. Since the pool appears to be in good shape, the cost to redo the pool at this time might be pushed back and the money used instead to help offset the increase in the insurance policy.

The resident who was asked to investigate solar energy for the complex reported back to the Board. Apparently, our units don't have sufficient square footage on their roofs to make it cost effective.

February 2023

Homeowner issues were heard. A homeowner was interested in solar power. The Board asked him to do more research and return next month with a report.

The minutes of the January meeting were approved. Various reports and financial statements were discussed and acted upon as necessary.

The Killroy termite proposal was postponed to March. The representative was unable to attend February's meeting due to it being Valentine's Day.

Interest in using the Clubhouse is picking up. Landscape issues regarding tree trimming and spraying were discussed and scheduled.

Architectural applications for two units were heard and approved. An electrical repair to the outside of a building along Old San Francisco Road was approved and will be scheduled. AT&T will be installing a new keypad box for the entrance gate.

Once the rains are over and the cement dries out, Black Diamond will be repainting the warning indicator lines on all the outside stairs.

January 2023

Homeowner issues were heard. The minutes of the November meeting were approved. Various reports and financial statements were discussed. Reorganization of Board positions was tabled until next month.

A presentation by CMA Consulting to do the SB-326 balcony inspections was heard, and their bid accepted. An additional presentation from Orkin for termite treatment of the complex was heard as well.

The sprinklers have been turned off until after the rainy season. Some issues to be addressed during the rain include inspecting some of the trees and the gate keypad for waterlog.

Annual Homeowner Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. There were several homeowners in attendance in-person and by videoconference. A quorum was established with 41 homeowners either attending or having cast ballots. Dan Pizano attended in-person as the representative for Community Management Services, and Patricia Eberhardt for Condo Effects via Zoom.

The Inspector of Elections, Patricia Eberhardt, announced that 38 valid ballots had been received. Remaining on screen the entire time, she and her assistant proceeded to open and count the ballots.

HOA President Darryl Alford gave a presentation on the improvements made throughout the year. He thanked all the of the Board members and other volunteers for their dedication, commitment and for making a difference in the community. He then gave a financial report and summarized the audit for the July 2021-June 2022 fiscal year.

Condo Elects announced the results of the election. Isabelle Ang and Habib Karaki were elected to the Board; the IRS Resolution and 2021 Annual Minutes both passed. A written report of such would be forwarded via email. 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

President's Report

Darryl Alford, HOA Board President, introduced the other members of the Board: Isabella Chianyi Ang, Tina Andreini, James Lee, and Habib Karaki.

In January and February, the reroofing project was completed. Some of the affidavits required to confirm that units have working carbon monoxide and smoke detectors still have not been returned.

Porch pirates were busy around our community in January, most likely due to the fact we left the gates open for the convenience of the roofing contractors.

In February, our Board had lost so many members we were in danger of being unable to conduct normal operating business. A plea went out and 3 volunteers stepped up to fill the vacancies.

March saw our first major tree trimming. In April another community member stepped forward to take over our parking committee. Also in April, the budget for 2022/23 was approved with a 5% increase to the monthly assessment.

The summer months were busy. Two trees dropped branches, but no people or property was harmed. The Board began to evaluate termite treatment programs, and selected Orkin (work to begin mid to late January).

A second tree trimming was undertaken during November. And the gutter’s were cleaned.

Treasurer's Report

There was one big ticket capital project on the 2021/22 budget. That was the reroofing of the complex. The Board had decided to tackle the project one year ahead of schedule. The roofing project came in under budget.

The major project scheduled for this next fiscal year will be to begin the termite control project. This is a major undertaking that is anticipated to take 3 years to complete. The Board has chosen to go with Orkin, whose method does not require tenting or requiring residents to move out for several days.

There is another capital project coming up. The balcony inspections required by SB-326. This new State law requires all HOAs to have their balconies inspected and a report filed with the state by January 1, 2025. A licensed inspector is being sought. After inspection, any required deficiencies will need to be addressed. These inspections must be repeated every 9 years.

The swimming pool is also scheduled for major maintenance in the coming year.

Cherrywood HOA Annual 2022 Election Certificate.pdf

Inspector of Elections Report

November 2022

The minutes of the October regular meeting and executive session were approved. Various reports, financial matters, architectural requests, and contracts were discussed, and action taken as needed.

The Orkin representative gave a presentation and walked the Board through the contract. The Board has asked him to price out a few other options.

The HOA is still having problems with the landscaping company. CMS will obtain bids from other companies.

The Board approved Water Quality (since they are already familiar with Cherrywood) to go ahead with the re-pipe of a unit on West Garland.

October 2022

The minutes of the September meeting were approve. Various reports, financial statements and architectural requests were discussed, and action taken as needed.

The Board has decided to obtain additional bids from Orkin for their termite treatment plan and warranties.

Landscape matters, particularly watering issues, were discussed.

A potential construction manager for the upcoming SB-326 balcony inspections gave a presentation.

A plumbing bid to replace the faucets in the restrooms with ones that turn off automatically was approved.

September 2022

The minutes of the August meeting were approved. Various reports, financial statements and architectural requests were discussed, and action taken as needed.

The Board heard a presentation from Orkin on their termite treatment plan and warranties. Their method for treating dry wood and subterrain termites does not require tenting of the building.

Continuing issues with the landscaper were discussed. It was also pointed out that the HOA may need to let the lawns go brown due to new drought restrictions on watering.

Our trees are in distress. One tree has split off a branch and one needs to be removed due to disease. Large tree trimming bids were compared. The Board decided to provisionally approve one and to also inspect the trees listed in the bid.

The Board briefly discussed visitor parking. The HOA can control the parking spots inside the complex, but those outside the gate are public (City) spots and we have no control over them.

Dryer vent cleaning has been pushed back to early 2023 due to calendar issues with the vendor.

It was decided that the heat for the pool will be turned off on September 30th.

August 2022

The minutes of the July meeting were approved. Various reports, financial statements and architectural requests were discussed.

Issues with the landscaper were discussed. Problems with leaf blowing and water leaks will be addressed directly with the vendor.

The Board briefly touched on visitor parking. Long term requests will continue to be handled on an as needed basis.

Dryer vent cleaning as been pushed back to late 2022 or early 2023 due to calendar issues with the vendor.

The Board is evaluating differing bids for treating termite infestations within the complex. Costs, convenience, and timetables are all under consideration. The next step is for the Board to meet with the vendors.

The Board addressed the problem of realtor signs being placed without concern for the landscape or removing them after the unit has sold. They have made the decision that going forward, post signs shall be restricted to outside the complex at the corner of Garland Avenue and South Fair Oaks. Sandwich board signs may be used elsewhere. 

2022 Annual Board meeting nomination form.pdf

Annual Meeting & Board Nominations

The Annual Meeting of the Homeowners is scheduled for Thursday, November 17, 2022. A Notification of Meeting and Nomination Form is show here (left). There are 2 open positions for the Board. If you are interested in running for one of these open seats, you must return the nomination form (both pages should be filled out, page one needs to be signed) to CMS by Friday, August 12, 2022. The Board has selected CondoElects to serve as the Inspector of Elections for Cherrywood's Annual Board election.

July 2022

The minutes of the June meeting were approved. Various reports, financial statements and architectural requests were discussed.

Some concrete work was approved. A ramp will be installed in place of some steps in the Garland Avenue common area and a set of steps will be replaced along Old San Francisco Road.

Medallion Landscape will be conducting a survey of the sprinkler system to determine breaks in the line and broken sprinkler heads for replacement.

Commercial Gutter Cleaning has been chosen to clean our gutters later this year.

There will be additional building inspections for termites as the HOA seeks to obtain additional bids for tenting and fumigation.

June 2022

The minutes of the May meeting were approved. Various reports, financial statements and architectural requests were discussed. A report about security/parking was presented.

The Board renewed the management services contract with Community Management Services (CMS).

The bid for the dryer vent cleanings from Chimney Safe was approved. Scheduling for the work is unknown at this time. 

The rodent problem has gotten worse, so the Board has decided to replace Santa Clara Pest Company. A new contract with Killroy Pest Control was approved. 

The Board has selected CondoElects to serve as the Inspector of Elections for Cherrywood's next Annual Meeting. 

May 2022

The minutes of the April meeting were approved. Financial reports were reviewed and approved. The 2022/2023 budget was approved.

The dead ivy will be addr3essed this month. There was also a bid to address several additional landscaping issues.

Bids will be sought for balcony inspections to comply with California law SB 326. This will be a large expense that must be completed by January 1, 2025.

Other issues discussed included: the resumption of parking enforcement, the leaning of the dryer vents. Terminix inspections, outstanding Smoke & Carbon Monoxide forms, next year's Reserve Study, and other miscellaneous.

April 2022

The minutes of the March meeting were approved. Financial reports were reviewed and approved. Various committee positions were filled, and Board positions were discussed.

The State's balcony law (SB326) and the possible costs involved was explained. This looks to be a major expense coming in the next two years. CMS will obtain at least 3 bids for the inspections.

Termites were found during a home inspection of one of the units which currently sold. Bids for the treatment and work involved were discussed and approved.

A proposal to prevent leaves and debris from clogging the gutters along the buildings most effected was discussed. The proposal was approved.

The section of dead ivy along West Garland will be addressed with a new planting.

March 2022

Due to scheduling difficulties, the Board meeting was postponed to Thursday, March 10th. There were no homeowner issues so the Board quickly moved on to the business portion of the meeting.

Minutes of the previous meeting were approved. Financial reports were reviewed, including a new line item added to the 2022-23 budget for balcony inspections.

Various reports and requests were reviewed and approved, including an architectural application, a landscaping proposal, workorders, renewal of the HOA's blanket insurance policy, and final details from the roofing project.

Three homeowners were also appointed to the Board. We sent out the call, and three HOA members stepped forward to fill the void. We would like to welcome Tina Andreini, James Lee, and Habib Karaki to the Board

February 2022

The meeting opened with a review of the most recent financials. Then the Board heard reports on the clubhouse, landscape, pest control, work orders, and architectural requests.

The HOA's insurance is up for renewal in March, and the Board is expecting a quote from our insurance broker (O'Connor Insurance) by March 1st.

Commercial Tree submitted a revised proposal for tree care. The Board voted to accept the proposal fro work to be done on the five trees in need of it most.

The pool pump has been found in poor condition. The Board authorized its replacement in advance of the pool opening for the upcoming swim season.

January 2022

Due to scheduling difficulties, the first meeting of the Board for the new year was pushed out to Monday, January 24. The meeting started with an update of the roofing project by the company's project manager for our complex.

The minutes from the Annual Meeting on November 17, 2021, were approved by the Board.

Intruders were found to be using the Clubhouse after hours. The alarms that were dislodged during reroofing will be reset and the door adjusted so it closes completely.

It was brought to the Board's attention that the underground pipes are original from 1975 and are beginning to rust and corrode. Inspections, bids, and schedules for replacement will be sought. This is likely to be a long-term project.

The need for termite control is an ongoing problem. The Board will seek inspections, bids and schedules for tenting and fumigations. This will likely to be a multi-year project.

The Board will walk the property with the HOA's arborist and prioritize the list of tree work that needs to be done.

Management has a goal of making sure that all address lights and pole lights work properly.

The Board does not meet during the month of December.

Annual Homeowner Meeting - November 2021

HOA President Darryl Alford opened the meeting and greeted those attending - both in person and via Zoom. A quorum was declared because of the number of ballots cast by mail. While CondoEffects counted the ballots via Zoom camera, Darryl gave the President's Message:

CondoEffects finished the ballot count and announced the preliminary results. Darryl Alford and Eliana Larsen were re-elected to the Board. The IRS Resolution 70-604 regarding excess Operating Income passed.

Darryl then thanked everyone for attending and adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m.


If anyone would like to receive a copy of the minutes from the Annual Meeting in November 2021, they should contact Dan Pizano ( 

November 2021

The HOA has a new janitorial service for the Clubhouse - Bright Outlook. They will also be responsible for replacing burnt out lights around the property. Please report any outages you see to Dan at CMS.

The Association has made quorum for the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, November 17. The Board will be hosting the meeting in the Clubhouse, and it will also be broadcast on Zoom.

The metal fences are scheduled to be repainted. They will be power washed first.

The Board reviewed maintenance issues that needed attention and approved several architectural applications.

The power to the women's restroom has been restored, so the Clubhouse is now available for rent again. If you want to make reservations, please contact Customer Service at CMS ( 

The Board does not usually meet in December, so the next regular meeting of the Board after the Annual Meeting will be Tuesday, January 11, 2022.

October 2021

Daniel Pizano, Cherywood's new CMS property manager, introduced himself.

Four Seasons Roofing gave a progress report on the work so far.

Carolyn Howell officially resigned from the Board. Thank you for all the hard work you put in on the Association's behalf, Carolyn.

Isabelle Chianyi Ang, a new homeowner, stepped forward and volunteered to fill one of the empty Board seats. Welcome Isabelle.

The Board reviewed quote for proposed work from various vendors.

September 2021

The landscape watering system is currently being inspected. The work is being undertaken by the complex's new landscape company. Sprinklers, valves, and water lines throughout the complex are being inspected and evaluated to see if they need repair or replacement. This work may help the Association lower the water bill.

The birch trees have been placed on the calendar to be sprayed in February 2022, and the olive trees will be sprayed in April and May 2022. This part of regular maintenance.

August 2021

The sprinkler that was broken when the magnolia tree was removed will be fixed, and ivy will grow back on its own.

The Association is obtaining bids for a company who will take over cleaning the clubhouse and lighting maintenance.

The collection of nomination forms for the open Board seats has officially closed. Ballots will be mailed to the Association membership in time to be returned before the Annual meeting. The date for the meeting has been set for Wednesday, November 17. The Board hopes to return the meeting to its regular Spring date next year.

July 2021

Per current Santa Clara County Covid-19 restrictions, the clubhouse is now available for homeowner events.

The large magnolia tree along West Garland had to be removed because the roots were interfering with the utility lines. Plumbers will now be able to work on fixing the water leak.

The Association has decided to switch to a new landscaper, Medallion Landscape Management. They will be taking over starting September 1st.

The voting process to be used for the next Annual Meeting was discussed. The actual date for the meeting has been tentatively set for Wednesday, November 17. The Board hopes to return the meeting to its regular Spring date next year.

June 2021

The Board is exploring alternate gardening companies for the HOA campus and is currently awaiting additional bids for the work.

The Board is currently discussing alternative actions to the removal and replacement of the iron pedestrian gate adjacent to Building 5 (685-689 West Garland).

May 2021

The Board is currently addressing an issue with the pool's solar heating. Regardless, the heat will be turned on soon so residents will be able to enjoy the pool.

The large beach balls floating in the pool are not for play. They are specially designed to scare away the geese and should be left alone to float and do their job.

There will be a $10 increase to the HOA dues starting in July, raising them to $500 per month. The budget for 2021-22 will be mailed to the membership shortly.

With the dry weather we are experiencing, the roofing project will be starting sooner rather than later. A notice will be sent to the residents before the roofers begin their work.

April 2021

The Board heard a presentation from See Clear regarding the installation of an additional security camera on the Guard House. It is hoped this additional security measure will help Sunnyvale DPS identify any future intruders.

We are in the Orange Tier, and Santa Clara County allows pools to open without restrictions. As usual, the pool heat will be turned on as soon as the weather is warm on a regular basis, usually around Memorial Day (May 31). Current restrictions require indoor spas to remain closed until Santa Clara County is in the Yellow Tier. If residents social distance and wear masks, they are free to enjoy the lounge chairs around the pool.

The areas that are blocked off with orange plastic fencing around them are where landscaping has been damaged by children running through and/or playing in them. These are areas that will need to be replanted at additional expense to the HOA.

Commercial Tree Care is scheduled to trim the common area trees during the week of April 26-30, weather permitting.

For security and safety reasons, the pedestrian gate next to Building 5 (adjacent to the car exit) is being eliminated due to ground settling problems. The pedestrian gate next to Building 2 (adjacent to the car entrance) will be left as it is.

The repair and repainting of the iron fencing and gates around the property was discussed.

March 2021

During the March Board meeting, the Board approved a roofing bid. Work will begin as soon as the company can schedule it, and weather permitting. The association had budgeted money in advance for this expense.

In preparation of this roofing project, the roofers will need to remove the existing satellite dishes. Homeowners and residents will be required to notify management if they are using a dish. A nonresponse will indicate the dish can be removed and disposed of. Additional information will follow regarding the roofing project and the satellite dish process.

Property Management will continue to put friendly reminder notes on our trash and recycling cans if they are not returned to the garage after pick-up. Continued lack of compliance may result in a violation letter sent to the homeowner followed by fines. If you no longer want your cans, please do not abandon them in the common area. Please call the City (408-565-9900) and arrange to have them picked up.

February 2021

The Board is meeting with new arborists regarding bids to care for our trees. The ivy cutting is continuing and will take a few more weeks to complete. The pagoda walkway lights were reinstalled after the concrete work was completed. The Board is looking into replacing the missing and/or worn interior walkway address signs.

You may notice a friendly reminder note on your cans if trash and recycling bins aren't returned to the garage after pick-up. Continued occurrence may result in a violation letter sent to the homeowner. Please reference Rules & Regulations.

January 2021

The new Board members elected at the annual meeting in December 2020 took office. Your new Board is:

If you haven't read through the rules booklet, it is suggested that you do. Courtesy notices and violation letters will be going out soon. These notices go directly to the homeowner and not the tenant. Landlord homeowners who receive one should discuss with their tenants how to resolve the issue.

People who want a parking permit for their overnight visitors should remember that they take time to process. You need to contact the property manager 5 business days in advance of your need for the permit.