Cherrywood Rules & Regulations

These Rules and Regulations were adopted by the Board on November 11, 2020. Homeowner’s are encouraged to provide a copy to their tenants.

This site contains rules and regulations most frequently used in our community. The complete Covenants, Conventions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) and Bylaws are available online. With your help, we will try to enforce these rules and regulations in order to maintain the beauty and safety of our community. Your Cherrywood HOA Board of Directors has provided this booklet with the hope that by making you familiar with this information you can help us continue to make Cherrywood a most desirable place to live.

These rules and regulations are cited from the Cherrywood HOA CC&Rs and Bylaws and are considered basic rules of conduct and responsibilities of both owners and tenants. Others have been adopted by your Board of Directors. Any infractions of these rules and regulations are subject to fines as established in the Hearing Procedures and Fines. Please direct all questions regarding the Rules and Regulations to the Board of Directors, with the exception of Parking and Vehicles Rules, which fall under the governance of the Property Management company.