Community Living
in Our HOA

July 2024

CMS has received several complaints about the new CINC System. If you continue to experience problems with logging in or making a payment, you are directed to contact Dan Pizano at CMS for assistance.

There were also complaints about wait times when calling CMS. Dan suggested that at the directory you dial him direct (ext. 120) and if he’s not there, leave a voicemail. He will call you back as soon as he can.

Even though the Annual Meeting seems to be a long way off (November), nomination forms for election to the Board will be mailed to residents at the end of July. There will be two (2) seats opening up this year. Residents are invited to submit their names for the election to fill them.

Watch for an announcement in the coming months for a Cherrywood complex BBQ or potluck party. We can all use a party at the end of summer.

June 2024

Remember that the HOA dues are increasing to $560 per month on July 1st.

Security around the complex looks to be secure. Unfortunately, thefts in the City of Sunnyvale are up. Residents are reminded to take some simple precautions such as closing your garage door and making sure your doors are locked. Additionally, if you see any strangers appearing to check out your neighbors, we suggest you call the police.

It is summer and our pool is an attractive addition to our complex. Sometimes, young people from the apartments behind our property will try to climb over the fence and swim in it. Do not approach these people directly. Instead, call the police as this is trespassing. Leave any confrontations up to the professionals trained to do so.

The water in the showers located in the Clubhouse is deliberately set to cooler temperatures. These showers are meant for rinsing off after using the pool, not as a substitute for the bathing facilities in your own unit.

We still have a speeding problem in the complex. Additionally, people have also been running the stop signs. Warning letters will be going out to people identified as doing so. You will receive one warning letter before fines are levied.

May 2024

Property Inspection – On Friday, May 31st the Board of Directors and our Property Manager will be conducting a property walk through of the entire Cherrywood community.  At that time, they will check to ensure that homeowners and renters are abiding by the established rules and regulations. Violations will be recorded, and homeowners will be cited. An example of violations is:

·   Outward facing curtains or curtain liners that are not a neutral color.

·   Patio plants or trees touching the patio fence.

·   Ivy growing along the inner fence.

·   External strings of lights.

·   Trees planted in the patio ground instead of in pots.

·   Items attached directly to the walls or fences.

This is not a complete list, but these are some of the more frequent violations we see.

The Pool – The heat for the pool will be turned on Memorial Day weekend, May 27. See the Pool Rules on the next page.

Speeding – Once again we are having a problem with residents speeding through the complex. Unfortunately, in an effort to get people to drive more carefully, it was decided a system of official warnings and fines was needed. Those identified as driving too fast will receive a warning letter from Property Management. Fines may follow if the problem persists.

CMS – Our Property Management provider, Community Management Services has partnered with CINC Systems, Inc. to provide a more efficient user interface. The portal will make it easier to pay your HOA assessment, check your account, download HOA documents, and submit an architectural request. There will also be a mobile app available for Apple and Android devices. The system should go live in June.

HOA Dues – Remember that the HOA dues are increasing to $560 per month starting July 1st. If you have your payments on automatic, you will need to adjust for it.

April 2024 

Tree Trimming – Remember Commercial Tree will be in and around the complex trimming selected trees through April 19th between the hours of 8 am and 3 pm each day. For your safety, you need to pay attention to any “No Parking” signs you see and stay clear of the workers and their equipment. 

The Pool – The heat for the pool will be turned on Memorial Day weekend (May 24-27).

March 2024

Tree Work on April 8th & 9th between 8am to 3pm. Commercial Tree will be trimming selected trees throughout the complex. For your safety, they ask that you keep clear of the crew and their tree trimming equipment. Please pay attention to the "No Parking" signs during the project as they move about performing their work. It is recommended that you keep your pets inside and close your windows since the work will be quite noisy. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please call Community Management (408) 559-1977.

Dog Waste Issues. It has come to the attention of the Board that people are not picking up after their dogs. This is extremely unsanitary. There are lots of toddlers that play on the lawns of the property, and parents report their children playing with and picking up piles of the dog poop left laying around. So please, pick up after your pet! If you are spotted leaving it, you can receive a violation letter. You will receive only one letter before fines are issued.

The Pool. The heat for the pool will be turned on Memorial Day weekend (May 24-27).

February 2024

The landscapers cannot go onto individual patios to blow off the leaves, but they can get any pile you leave outside your patio gate. If you sweep them all off your patio into a pile outside the gate, the landscapers will take them away when they come through on Wednesdays to blow the walkways clear.

Please clean the leaves off your balconies. Leaving leaves on your balcony during the rains will cause damage.

Many of you still walk the property for exercise on a daily (or weekly) bais. If you notice any lights or sprinklers out while you are out-and-about, please report them to CMS.

If you know you are going to need a parking permit for visitors staying with you, please try to give CMS a week's advance notice. It is almost impossible to get all the paperwork done when you only notify management the day before you need it.

If you use the jacuzzi, please remember to turn off the lights and jets on your way out.

January 2024 

If you still have a bright yellow/orange flyer announcing balcony inspections posted next to your front door, please take it down.

If you wish to rent the Clubhouse for an event, you should start by contacting the Customer Service Desk at CMS ( After you have sent in your application and deposit, the Customer Service Desk will confirm the date is available for your event. You can then contact Habib Karaki (408-274-2277) for the key.

The units treated for termites by Orkin have been almost 100% compliant. Orkin has agreed to extend their deadline for completion for another month. In addition, if anyone is experiencing evidence of termites or suspects evidence they can email Rodney Jones at Orkin ( for an inspection. If evidence is confirmed, then Orkin will treat their unit.

Need someplace to get rid of the Styrofoam packaging in your Christmas packages? There is a facility in Sunnyvale that will accept and recycle it for you. There is a nominal charge for their services. You can contact them at or call them at 409-827-8519.

November 2023

Halloween is over. Please throw away any pumpkins or carved jack-o-lanterns you have on your doorstep or patio. They are attracting insects and rodents.

We hate to repeat ourselves, but people need to SLOW DOWN when they drive through our complex's streets. Most of you are, but we have noticed two cars who continue to scare us as they drive through. Please, lift your foot from the accelerator before you accidentally hit something or someone.

You know you may want to decorate your unit for the holidays, but you need to know that the use of nails to put up lights on the outside or along the railings is not allowed. It has been suggested that you can use Command hooks (or a similar product) since they are removeable and do not damage the walls or woodwork.

2023 HOA Pizza Party Picnic (2023)

On Sunday, October 8, a group of about 20 residents gathered in front of the Clubhouse for a pizza party picnic. Pizza and drinks were provided by James O'Connor of O'Connor HOA Insurance (Cherrywood's insurance agent). Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves as they mingled to share food, drink, the company of each other, and the lovely weather.

September 2023

HOA Picnic - Save Sunday, October 8th from 12 noon to 2 p.m. on your calendars, and plan to join us in front of the Clubhouse for a picnic. Food and drink will be provided (thank you James O'Connor of O'Connor HOA Insurance). Join your neighbors to eat, drink, mingle and play lawn games.

Trees - On the matter of trees in a unit's patio area - the HOA Rules and Rgulations state "Trees shall not be planted in patios due to potential root and growth problems." Over time, our property has been experiencing more underground damage to plumbing due to roots. We are asking homeowners who have trees planted directly in the soil of their patio areas to please cut them down and remove them, including their roots, to stop additional damage to our underground pipes. If you really want a tree on your patio, we suggest you plant it in a nice pot.

Annual Gutter Cleaning - Mark the week of October 30 through November 4 for when the gutters will be cleared of leaves (weather permitting). Further information will be distributed in October.

Treatments for Termites - The method chosen to treat the buildings for termites will not require tenting. However, residents will need to give the exterminators access to their units. They will also need to vacate their units for approximately one hour. The contract will be signed soon, and then work will be scheduled. Each unit will receive prior notice and instructions before work begins on their building.

August 2023

The hot tub-jacuzzi is currently closed for repairs. The pump has been turned off until a leak can be found and fixed.

The heat in the pool will be turned off after Labor Day in September.

Having a birthday party? Hosting a family reunion? The Clubhouse is available for rental. Contact the Customer Service desk at CMS (

A Cherrywood Community Event such as a picnic or BBQ may be coming to our Clubhouse soon. Watch for an announcement in an upcoming newsletter.

People are STILL SPEEDING throughout the complex. They are also DRIVING RECKLESSLY. Cars need to SLOW DOWN when driving on Cherrywood’s roads. Kids are playing and riding their bikes. Residents are strolling or walking their dogs. Please take it easy and remind any visitors you have that they too must do the same.

Recently a resident found a dead cat between two of our buildings. If you find any dead animal, you can report it directly to Animal Control by calling 408-730-7178. They will take care of the disposal of the remains.

Mark your calendars. Commercial Gutter Cleaning will be cleaning our gutters during the week of October 30th through November 4th. More information will be coming in October.

Keeping Up Apperances (April 2023)

This is a cooperative Homeowner Association (HOA) - not individually owned free-standing houses. Some residents do not seem to know or abide by our established standards. Know that violations of community standards will be cited once as a warning then fined per our Cherrywood HOA Rules and Regulations. The exterior or outwardly visible lining of all window coverings shall be beige or white or another neutral color approved by the Board. Windows can only be covered by drapes, blinds, shutters, or shades and cannot be painted or covered by foil, cardboard, reflective films, bed sheets, or other similar materials.

And if you have an ADT Security sign outside your unit, please inspect it. If it is damaged, faded or cracked, it needs to be replaced.

Plant That Tree in a Pot (April 2023)

Also from the Rules and Regulations, trees shall not be planted in patios due to potential root and growth problems. Over time, our property has been experiencing more underground damage to plumbing due to tree roots. We are asking that homeowners with trees growing directly in their patio soil, to please cut them down and remove the, including their roots, to stop additional damage to our underground pipes. Those with trees growing directly in their patio soil will receive a violation notice during the next landscape walk by the Board. Refusal to remove the tree will result in fines until compliance. If you really want a tree on your patio, we suggestion you plant it in a nice. pot.

NO Parking in Fire Lanes (February 2023)

In the January newsletter the No Parking Fire Lane rule was explained, and residents were asked to not park in those designated red zones. During the February HOA meeting there were reports of residents continuing to park in the red zones. These zones are subject to immediate towing without any prior notice. Residents are hereby warned that vehicles parked in Fire Lanes will be immediately reported to our towing company: Rebello's Towing Services (408) 295-5121.

Newsletter Paper Copies (February 2023)

In an effort to make our monthly newsletter as eco-friendly as possible we are asking those of you who are satisfied with electronic newsletters to opt out of paper copies. Please send an email with your unit address to if you wish to opt out of the paper newsletter.

If we do not hear from you then we willo automatically continue to distribute a paper copy to your address. Naturally you can add a different email address or whatever technique you prefer to use for the opt out.

Parking in Fire Lanes (January 2023)

Residents of our community have reported vehicles illegally parked in fire lanes (along the red curbs) in and round our complex. Please note that according to California State Fire Code Section 503.3.2:

Violation of posted "FIRE LANES" as described in California Vehicle Code Section 22500.1 may be subject to immediate removal as set forth in California Vehicle Code Section 22651 for any vehicle parked or left standing in an area identified as a fire lane.

Violators of the Fire Code are hereby warned that any unoccupied vehicle parked in a Fire Lane can be immediately towed without a warning notice. This applies to any violation within the Cherrywood HOA property as well as the fire lane on Garland Avenue next to the gate.

Emergency vehicles must be able to access our community 24/7. No one wants a life lost or a home damaged by fire because emergency vehicles couldn't get through.

Rodent Problems

Some of our neighbors have reported rodent sightings. To protect your family and property from rodent activity, please consider the following relatively inexpensive solutions you can take on your own.

Killroy Pet Control

The Board has decided to replace Santa Clara Pest Company. A contract with Killroy Pest Control was approved at the June 2022 Board meeting. https?\\ 

Santa Clara County Vector Control

According to the Santa Clara County Vector Control District, "roof rats, Norway rats, mice and other rodents constitute an ongoing problem to residents in Santa Clara County." You can arrange a free rodent inspection by submitting a service request at the website or by calling (408) 918-4770 or by emailing They will not come onsite to remove dead vermin. (4/2022)

This is a cooperative Home Owner Association (HOA) - not individually owned free-standing houses. As such, we must work together to maintain the standards for our HOA to hold or increase our property values and preserve the appearance of our community. Some residents do not seem to know or abide by our established standards. Know that violations of community standards will be cited once as a warning then fined per our Cherrywood HOA Rules and Regulations. Here are some of those rules:

A complete list of these Rules can be found on this website.

Keep Our Community Clean & Safe

Keep in mind that the common areas of this complex are your front yard. You wouldn't drop trash in your front yard, so please don't do it in the common area. Bottles, cans, cups, plastic containers, paper food wrappers all belong in the trash/recycle bins you have in your garage. Please pick them up and dispose of the properly.

Our HOA has started using a new vendor for rodent control. We must do our part to prevent rodent infestation. Some of our neighbors have been habitually leaving trash outside their front doors or improperly stored outside of trash bins. Warnings have already been issued and next we will be imposing fines. When you take your trash outside the residence, store it in a properly closed bin. If your trash bin is broken, notify Specialty (408-565-9900) and they will replace the bin. 

Smokers should be advised that City regulations prohibit smoking within 25 feet of buildings’ doors and windows, and that dropping your used butts on the ground is considered littering. A great number of these butts have been discovered recently at the base of several of our trees. We all like to enjoy the shade our trees provide us, so please don’t poison them with your trash. 

During the current drought, we want to address any possible water waste as soon as it can be identified. So, please call CMS immediately if you notice a sprinkler leaking or one watering the pavement instead of the landscape or any puddles accumulating. Together we can keep our property looking good. 

Along those same lines, we’d like you to report any urgent issues to CMS. Not just a sprinkler wasting water. If you see any lights are out, fallen tree branches, or any other issues that require immediate attention, call 408-559-1977 and follow the prompts to the On Call Manager. CMS has an On Call Manager on duty 24/7 and 365 days per year. If it’s a serious emergency and someone’s life is in danger call 911. 

BBQ Grilling

June is the beginning of the summer BBQ season. Any BBQ-ing must be done in the patio are of your unit. California Fire Codes do not permit charcoal, open flames, or propane burners on wooden balconies. The CC&Rs also do not permit BBQs in the driveways or garage areas.


We cannot successfully complete the roofing project until all the homeowner's Affidavits of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms have been turned in. Four Seasons Roofing will soon post an Affidavit on the garage door of each unit that has not yet submitted one. Please help us wrap this up as soon as possible. These forms are required by California law. (4/2022)

Quarterly Property Inspection

Our property manager, CMS, will soon conduct a quarterly inspection of our Cherrywood community to ensure that residents are abiding by the established rules and regulations. Any violations of the rules will be cited and noncompliance could result in the assessment of fines. Here are some of the current violations that should be addressed soon.

Remember to set your BBQs  in the patio area of your unit. California Fire Codes do not permit charcoal or open flames or propane burners on or under the balconies, and BBQs are also not permitted in the driveways or garage areas.

Rules and Regs November 2020.pdf

The Cherrywood HOA Rules and Regulations were adopted on November 11, 2020. 

Homeowner’s are encouraged to provide a copy to their tenants.  

● No exterior satellite dish or exterior wiring shall be installed without Board approval.

● Residents are not permitted to dry clothing on balconies, patios, or porches or other areas in any manner which is visible from any unit.

● Architectural applications ARE needed for: Screen doors, tankless water heaters, window bars, and alterations to the interior requiring a permit from the City of Sunnyvale (e.g. electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, HVAC units).

● Architectural applications are NOT needed for: Replacing front door light or stairwell light with Dusk-to-Dawn sensor which lights automatically when it gets dark and turns off in the morning (style must match existing light), or Extend-a-Chime which connects to existing wired doorbells to provide up to 300 foot range (great for 2nd floor or garage).

Front porch areas need to be clear of brooms, shoes, strollers, and toys.

How to Report Maintenance Issues

The correct procedure for reporting maintenance problems (leaking pipes, sewer backup, outside siding issues, etc.) is to call CMS (Phone 408-559-1977). It doesn’t matter if it’s after hours or not, CMS will get back to you right away to attend to the problem. The reason we are asking you to call CMS instead of a plumber, electrician, or whatever directly, is so the HOA can keep track of problems around the complex. We may be able to spot a trend that needs taking care of.

Pool / Gate Key

The pool key also opens the clubhouse and all the pedestrian gates. Keys can be obtained from CMS (contact Tanya Ruiz). The cost is $25 for the first key, and any additional keys are $100 each.

We Are A Family Friendly Community

We pride ourselves on being a family friendly community, but we all need to remember that we share this lovely property with others.

Remember You Share The Walls

During this period of time when we are all confined to our units, please be mindful of the noise you are generating. We know that some of you are working on your units during this time while you are at home; but please be considerate of your neighbor who is just on the other side of the wall. The City of Sunnyvale has the following noise ordinance:

City of Sunnyvale Ordinance 16.08.030 - Time and Noise Limitations 

Construction activity shall be permitted between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. daily Monday through Friday. Saturday hours of operation shall be between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. There shall be no construction activity on Sunday or federal holidays when city offices are closed.

No loud environmentally disruptive noises, such as air compressors without mufflers, continuously running motors or generators, loud playing musical instruments, radios, etc., will be allowed where such noises may be a nuisance to adjacent residential neighborhoods.

California requires smoke alarms in all structures. 

California State Fire Marshal Information Bulletin 13-006 

For the manufacturers, effective July 1, 2015, all smoke alarms (120 VAC hardwired or battery operated) must comply with Provision (2) which shall display the date of manufacture, provide a place on the device where the date of installation can be written, and incorporate a hush  feature. Effective July 1, 2015, all battery-operated smoke alarms must also comply with Provision (1) which shall contain a nonreplaceable, nonremovable battery that is capable of powering the smoke alarm for at least 10 years.

Smoke Alarms - California law 2014

How Many Alarms? The number and location of smoke alarms is specified in section 310.9.1.4 of the California Building Code. One smoke alarm should be placed on each floor in non-sleeping areas. In addition, one smoke alarm must be installed in each room where sleeping occurs, and one smoke alarm should be located in each hallway that leads directly to sleeping rooms.