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Welcome to the Clinical Decision Support Collaborative for Performance Improvement ("CDS/PI Collaborative") public site. 

What's New

What is the CDS/PI Collaborative?

The Collaborative is an initiative led by TMIT Consulting, LLC to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes.  Healthcare providers collaborate with each other, and with partners such as EHR vendors and quality improvement organizations, to ‘get better faster, togetherSM' at addressing healthcare performance improvement imperatives. Participants use vetted worksheets to document, analyze, share and improve target-focused information flows and workflows (“CDS/Quality Improvement [QI] Worksheets”). See CDS/QI Resources and Collaborative Overview for more details. 

How can the Collaborative help me?

Benefits that many providers, EHR vendors, quality improvement organizations, federal agencies and others have realized from the Collaborative include:

· Insights into how current workflows/information flows are producing sub-optimal performance on important quality measures.

· Systematic and comprehensive approach to identify, communicate and execute target-focused improvement strategies.

· Efficient and effective cross-stakeholder collaboration on QI within organizations and with partners.

For more details on the Collaborative’s value proposition, see the Benefits to Stakeholders page.

How can I engage with the Collaborative?

· Use CDS/QI Worksheets: Apply a step-by-step approach to QI for high priority targets, leveraging the CDS/QI Worksheets; return value to the Collaborative and accelerate your own improvements when you join and collaborate.

· Join the Collaborative: complete the brief form on this page and you will be given access to the private areas where you can share/discuss your QI efforts, learning and results for targets already covered (e.g., reducing readmissions and controlling blood pressure control).  Collaborative participants can also request new targets to be covered.

· Initiate a Collaborative sub-community: The Collaborative is growing through sub-communities that are focused on clients of specific quality improvement organizations or EHR vendors, on facilities in an integrated delivery network, on particular targets (e.g., Million Hearts ABCS), and on other affinity groups.

· Become a Collaborative Sponsor: See here for more information.

· eMail Jerry Osheroff if you want to discuss any of these opportunities further.

What Collaborative projects are underway?

Collaborative-related projects that leverage the CDS/QI tools and resources take several forms, including:

· Initiatives with dedicated funding to significantly improve performance on specific quality measures 

· Target-focused QI initiatives fostered by organizations such as specialty societies and federal agencies

· Providers using CDS/QI worksheets in local QI efforts.

Completed CDS/QI worksheets are shared on the Collaborative’s private website, and discussed in private Collaborative discussions groups; these forums are open to Collaborative participants only.  TMIT Consulting, LLC provides this sharing infrastructure, as well as various levels of support and leadership for Collaborative projects.  For more on current and past activities, see the  Projects page.

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