Remuneration-, Share-Acquisition- and Distribution Logic

We regret that - anno 2005 - we still find ourselves in the situation that we have to set-up an association while so many companies, organizations, associations already exist. However we were very disappointed to the lack of logic and openness to join existing organizations and their lack of an open and logic Remuneration-, Share-Acquisition- and Distribution Logic. We think that a logical way of remuneration, acquiring and distribution of share should be an acquis.

  1. Remuneration-Logic

    1. Carbon is Money, so every time effort is eligible for remuneration in the cash/mint/currency/asset/commodity of your choosing. Other members in the association will want to know what you have to offer, how much you're asking for it and if that amount has to be paid fully or partially in cash and partially in exchange for something else, mostly something they have to offer/sell. To find out more, we ask you to contact us to exchange some viewpoints and and Mou/Nda/Nca.

  2. Share-Acquisition Logic

  1. Share-Distribution Logic

Interested to become concrete: contact us skype SvenAERTS or our other offices.