Collaboration and the Carbon Friendly Economy; Getting to grips with collaboration, identifying yourself and Cases to be Considered

Welcome to the Carbon Friendly Economy where international and multi-disciplinary collaboration is key, where it is necessary to understand what role you and other actors play, the link between yourself as an individual, other individuals, NGO's, GO's and Private Companies. Here we give your brain cases to reflect upon, a framework and guidance to get to grips with the complexity of collaboration and techniques that may be usefull before going out to interact with others in the Carbon Friendly Economy.

We welcome you here to consider what your and/or your organisations role could be and how to interact with the other players you will have to shake hands with. Collaboration is not evident, just look at the numerous clashes you see around you, the numerous court issues between what might even have been the best of friends untill they became share holders in a company they set-up together. There are also good examples: the USA, EU, Knights of the Round Table, Mitsubishi, Deloitte and other consulting companies.

Let's see if you can open the right doors and can develop the right techniques that lead to constructive common ground building: try to think over following cases and relations, involving individuals, NGO's, GO's, Private Companies

How many cases are there possible ? And which one would you like to look at first ? Can you rank them from easy to complex ? Which one are you confronted with first ?

Individual - Individual

Individual - NGO

Individual - GO

Individual - Private Companies



NGO-Private Company


GO's-Private Companies

Private Companies-Private Companies

Case A: The NGO grows international, attracts more and more members and becomes rich !

Person A explains to an NGO what "Kyoto is all about", explains it to NGO B, who has a member M who is able to attract 10.000 € for setting up a a cycle of workshops for NGO's and GO's on the Kyoto Protocol. What now ? Who do you need ? What and who should be remunerated and who much ?

Case B: Attracting valuable members in an NGO.

Cf. Case A: Person A explains to an NGO what "Kyoto is all about", explains it to NGO B, who has a member M who explains it to a person P who is okay to invest 1.000.000 € in a project. What shoul happen ? What and who should be remunerated and who much ?

Case C:

Person A explains what "Kyoto is all about", explains it to a person B, who explains it to a person C who is okay to invest 1.000.000 € in a project. What and who should be remunerated and who much ?

Case D:

An NGO explained the Kyoto Protocol to person A. Should the NGO share in the remuneration of person A ? Who should coach person A, offer person A a structure to work in ?

Case E:

Collaboration. NGO "A" has introduced NGO "B" to the Kyoto Protocol. Now they have to collaborate ... how ? NGO "A" is a little NGO, very weak in keeping agenda's, very little known, with basically no members, no infrastructure, they just happen to be the first to do something around "Kyoto". NGO "B" is an NGO that gathers all diaspora or a typical sociological group in a region and have a large membership base, could quickly form teams, find CO2e-reducing projects, and have a need to continue to exist as such. Should one NGO be absorbed by another ? Seems not appropriate. How do you propose they collaborate ? As Not for Profits, what is their role and what is NOT their role ? What additional structures should they develop?

Case F: Profits Hurray ! 5 parties joined together and developed a 100.000.000 € CO2e-reducing project. As normal in such cases, the team receives shares in the project. How are these shares to be distributed ? Secondly: there is a comission of 2% = 2.000.000 € that is to be distributed between all 5 parties. How ? And how internally in every party ?

Case G: Cf. Case D: It's not an NGO who explains the Kyoto Protocol to person A, but a Company A. Same question: how does the company profit from explaining to person A, how much, what logic do you follow, can you develop a certain formula?