Stakeholders BD in CC

[BOTTOM][TOP]Stakeholders in the BD in CC multidiciplinary Think Tank

[BOTTOM][TOP]Environmental Sciences

* Climate change

* Biodiversity (distribution, biology and responses to climate change)

* Biodiversity services (in particular the climate regulating functions)

* Natural resource management (management responses to maximise biodiversity [services] by taking into account the effects of climate change)

[BOTTOM][TOP]International Environmental Policy

* Kyoto Protocol (with empahisis on biodiversity-related issues and "cliff-hangers" like CDM/JI Afforestation/Reforestation)

* Emissions Trading Scheme

* CDM Project Project development

Interested to participate? Please contact us at aphvanderheijden at gmail dot com or SvenAERTS228 at gmail dot com

Back To:

  1. Aim

  2. What is in it for Every Stakeholder

  3. Objectives BD in CC