List of Lectures and Workshops on the CO2e-Carbon Friendly Economy / Kyoto Protocol

  1. Intro lecture: "How to increase welfare, create local jobs, attract financiers, bring additional profit, develop business and M&A opportunities, offering additional Risk Reduction and Roi thanks to sale of CO2e-certificates, ... via the Kyoto Protocol".

    1. Normally you can get funds to pay for organizing such an intro-lecture and to pay the lecturer.

    2. Online version 1 CO2e-certificate or 15 € or equivalent

    3. By : skype SvenAERTS - 525€/lecture

    4. Languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Espagnol, Nederlands/Dutch

    5. Suggested entrance fee: 0 to 200€

    6. Time: 1 to 3 hours

  2. Workshop: "What organisational structure to adopt in the Low Carbon Economy"

    1. Part 1: General

    1. Part 2: Specifiquement pour rétablir AfricaCO2 et voir clair dans le .com et le .org

    1. Online version 1 CO2e-certificate or 15 € or equivalent:

    2. Normally you can get funds to pay for organizing such an intro-lecture and to pay the lecturer.

    3. By : skype SvenAERTS - 525€/lecture

    4. Languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Espagnol, Nederlands/Dutch

    5. Suggested entrance fee: 100 to 500€

    6. Time: 1 to 3 hours

Suggested links:

  1. Contact us