How Can I Participate/Earn Money in this CO2e-Economy?

That depends who you are: do you come as an individual or do you represent a group?


As an individual, it will depend upon your capacities, languages you speak, where you live, background, sector you come from, references you bring with you, network, financial strength, degrees. There are so many opportunities and the market is in such a need for just about every discipline, so make sure you know what what you want to do and and you do not want to do anymore. Reply to these questions and then take up contact with our Human Resource Dpt: skype SvenAERTS


As a group, the other partners will want to know who you are. We propose to have a rather quick introduction, exchange of viewpoints for possible collaboration and exchange a Memorandum of Understanding / Non-Disclosure-Agreement and Non-Circumvention Agreement. Our Partnership Development Dpt will be happy to talk to you: skype SvenAERTS