Trajectory Proposal

describe Trajectory Proposal here

To do list

Bring multidisciplinary kernel team together:

* make deals with all major players that put biodiversity, countdown high on the agenda: "If we manage to bring a team together to incorporate biodiv in the ETS... are you ready to carry part of the costs/logistics? What are you going to contribute?

* Send 1 email to everyone earlier contacted, a request to join the BDinCC email list; follow-up call

Start with the Agenda through BDinCC emaillist:

* think up agenda with kernel team members

* Preliminary Agenda

o Intro

o Workshop part I Virtual Office/Get to know each other game

o Split up in subgroups to determine how the day must go

o Bring ideas in the plenary, retain the best ideas

o Work out in parrallell sessions

o Report to the plenary

o Discussion rounds

o Evaluation, kick off next meeting

o Presentation to the Press

o Wrap up

* find cliffhangers to e.g. the Kyoto Protocol: forestry projects ... so connect Biodiversity to it. Then move from the land to the water: Oceans and Seas are responsible for capturing, so companies that want to borrow x km2 of sea or ocean from a country and or UN ... why not... extra income for the UN ?

* workingplace and salary for Anna and her assistant European Voluntary Service or Trainee

* get the pressure groups in place so they can get the public opinion, so the governments have to approve ...

* kick-off next event: linking water to the Kyoto Protocol


game to get youth involved: analogy to the global warming board game:

Results making deals:


describe project, concrete summary + send to (Human resources and Communication, called 6/9/06). +32 2 739 3002

no office space available in BXL

1-2 pages Max

* Background (introduction), what has been done so far (inventarisation existing data, Think Tank), CVs

* Objectives: what exactly will be researched..

o ...

* Who are involved, stakeholders

* Period

* Capacity/What do we ask for

UNFCCC Secretariat:

Write id summary of proposal + Fax document to +49/2288151999. Called 6/9/06