Study Guide Quiz 8

Study Guide Quiz 11  -- Incarceration 

Study Guide Quiz 11    MWF 9:00 TR 8:00 -- State Prisons Part 1

 State and local prisons in operation across the United States                                

 Conflicting goals in corrections: Punish, Rehabilitate, Incapacitate

                                      But because we also need security, ergo custody


We must punish, because to do nothing would condone criminal behavior

 The punishment environment

 Two reasons that our prison work assignments for inmates are currently so counter-productive

 Cheap prison labor, why it didn’t work, modern equivalent 

 The growth of the prison population since 1980

 Racial composition of state and federal level prisons for Caucasian, African American, and Latino offenders 

 Proportions of persons not graduated from high school (include those with no GED)

 The average sentence length of incarceration for prisoners serving in state institutions

 The proportion of the total inmate population serving life sentences

 The proportions for the total violent and non-violent offenders (and in each sub-category) among the prison population

       Nonviolent:                            public order offenses           drug               property 

     Violent:                                     murder                                   robbery          rape & assault