Bartlesville Astronomy

BAS Members Google Group

BAS on Facebook

BAS on Twitter

BvilleAstro - Pinterest (Abby's compilation of links to astronomy news articles)

Moose Jaw Observatory (Daryl's astro-photography)

Observing Lists

250+ Deep-Sky Objects VIsible with Binoculars and the Naked-Eye.pdf - Scott N. Harrington

Deep-Sky-Hunter-atlas-full.pdf - Star Atlas - Michael Vlasov

200 Planetary Nebulae Visible with Small Telescopes & Binoculars - Scott N. Harrington

Astronomical League Asterism List

Asterisms Small star patterns for telescopes and binoculars - Demelza Ramakers

Observing Asterisms - Observing Asterisms - Putting the fun back into Astronomy - David Ratledge

FamilyStargazing-Schreur.pdf - Eric Schreur - An introduction to star gazing

Deep Sky Objects Illustrated Observing Guide - List of 7000 Deep Sky Objects From SAC Catalog and List of Select 650 Deep Sky Objects with Images


Annular solar eclipse of October 14, 2023 (Extensive Eclipse Details)

Great American Eclipse 2024

Eclipse Map 2024 (X Jubier)

Eclipse April 8, 2024 (Detailed Weather Assessment) (Eclipse Maps)

NASA Eclipse Website 2024 - google maps broken??  Use the link below for NASA

Bartlesville Total Eclipse 2045 Map (X Jubier)

Eclipsewise - Fred Espanek's (Mr. Eclipse) website - Solar and lunar eclipse predictions

MrEclipse - Fred Espanek's eclipse photography website

Eclipsophile - Jay Anderson website - Climatology and weather for celestial events

NASA's eclipse website

Sky Conditions

Clear Sky Chart

Clear Outside

Skippy Sky - Cloud Cover

NOAA Air Quality Forecast

IDEA - Sky Transparency - News and information about the Sun-Earth environment - Auroras, Solar Flares, meteor showers Archive - Look at webpages from the past - NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center


Ventusky - Selectable weather conditions


Sunrise Sunset - Customized Printable Calendars

This Week's Sky at a Glance

Monthly Sky at a Glance

Skywatching News

Heavens-Above - Satellites and Planets

Heavens-Above - Star Wheel

Telescopius -  Astronomy Planning Made Easy

Time and Date - Moon/Sun Rise/Set +++


Sky and Telescope Interactive Sky Watching Tools

Your Sky - Interactive Planetarium/

Horizons - JPL

Astronomy Tools

Cartes du Ciel - Free software to draw sky charts

Stellarium - A planetarium program for your computer or tablet

Stellarium - Web based planetarium program.  (Remember to set your location!) - American Astronomical Society WorldWide Telescope

Star Atlas  (PDF file is here: Magnitude 7 Star Atlas.pdf)

Global Monitoring Laboratory NOAA Solar Calculator - Equation of Time, Sunrise and Sunset positions and tables for the year

Astronomical Rise and Set Calendar - Generate a stargazer's almanac

Astronomical Rise and Set Calendar - Generate a stargazer's almanac for Bartlesville Sooner Park

Celestial Programming: Greg Miller's Astronomy Programming Page - A collection of astronomy related programs, algorithms, tutorials, and data.


Sunrise Sunset - Customized Printable Calendars

This Week's Sky at a Glance

Monthly Sky at a Glance

Skywatching News

Heavens-Above - Satellites and Planets

Heavens-Above - Star Wheel

Telescopius -  Astronomy Planning Made Easy

Time and Date - Moon/Sun Rise/Set +++


Sky and Telescope Interactive Sky Watching Tools

Your Sky - Interactive Planetarium/

Horizons - JPL

Astronomy Tools

Cartes du Ciel - Free software to draw sky charts

Stellarium - A planetarium program for your computer or tablet

Stellarium - Web based planetarium program.  (Remember to set your location!) - American Astronomical Society WorldWide Telescope

Star Atlas  (PDF file is here: Magnitude 7 Star Atlas.pdf)

Global Monitoring Laboratory NOAA Solar Calculator - Equation of Time, Sunrise and Sunset positions and tables for the year

Astronomical Rise and Set Calendar - Generate a stargazer's almanac

Astronomical Rise and Set Calendar - Generate a stargazer's almanac for Bartlesville Sooner Park

Celestial Programming: Greg Miller's Astronomy Programming Page - A collection of astronomy related programs, algorithms, tutorials, and data.

If you find a link that needs to be updated, or if you have a suggestion for a link to add, please let us know! Send us an email:

Free Astronomy Software recommendations from BBC Sky at Night Magazine June 2022  Need to check these out...


Virtual Moon Atlas


Cartes du Ciel




