November 2014


Oct 1 beginning balance 1191.33

6 renewals 120.00

Ending balance Oct. 31 1311.33

We had two new visitors this meeting. One found out about it from seeing us on the internet.

Officers for the new year were approved by acclamation.

President--Steve Plank

Vice President--Virgil Reese

Treasurer--Vicky Travalgini

Secretary--Denise Gregg

At-large board members:

Duane Perkins

John Grismore

Mike Woods

Craig Brockmeier

Program at December 1 meeting: Cosmosphere in Hutchinson, KS by Craig Brockmeier

Who reserves our library meeting room: We would like for someone to volunteer to do this on an ongoing basis

Steve will email members to see what our interests are and where we would like the club to go in the future.

Kane Elementary wants us to do a program in the new year.Virgil is willing to do a childrens' presentation.

We also discussed doing something outside Frank and Lola's with a telescope, or possibly something at Indian Coffee.

Daryl on astronomy:

October 23--partial solar eclipse. Maximum coverage for us at 5:39 pm. Daryl showed a vides of the eclipse from Edmonton, Canada..

Sunspot activity--major source of several solar flares, although overall, sunspot activity is going down (nevertheless, have had several large ones in the last year.)

Leonid meteor shower--Nov 16-19; peak Nov 18 around 1 am. Leo comes up a little after midnight. Moon won't block visibility too much.

Early morning hours Nov 5--Mercury and Spica in the east; Mecury at greatest elongation

Dusk Nov 7--Mars in the S/SW

Daryl showed pictures of the southern constellations; these were not named by the Greeks; names for them were put together much later.