May 2021 Meeting Notes

Bartlesville Astronomical Society

Meeting Minutes May 3, 2021

Opening and Welcome

Thank you to Denise Gregg for Zoom setup

11 in attendance including one former member


Library still unavailable for meetings. We will continue to have meetings via Zoom, through June at least

Thanks to John Grismore, John Blaesi, Mike Woods, and others for the Shut-in Newsletter and our regular newsletter

Michael Collins - Apollo 11 Astronaut died April 28

Minutes of previous meeting are posted online by Denise Gregg - Approved

Treasurer’s Report - Evan Zorn

Beginning balance April 1, 2021: $5000.83

Check to Denise for supplies for library display $60.36

Ending balance April 30, 2021: $4940.47

Committee Reports

Astronomical League news and activities – Denise: AlCor virtual convention will be August 19-21. We have received an email asking if we would be interested in donating a door prize for the event, something in the $150-200.00 price range. Denise will bring this up with the Board.

Youth club (BYA) news - Rick Bryant—Rick was not in attendance this evening. Craig said that at the April meeting they had 4 youth and did some light crafts.

Library Display - Update

If you need anything from the storage room at First Christian Church, let Craig know.

The library display is extended through May 25. Go see it if you haven’t already—it’s very impressive!

Need 6-7 people to help transport and take down the display on May 26. Plan to pack up everything in the display and transport to the church for sorting. If you have items on display, plan to pick them up at the First Christian Church later. Denise will prepare an inventory of what is in the display.

Will have Zoom meeting to coordinate the removal of the display.

Craig is working with the Examiner-Enterprise on an article about the library display—Kim Archer is writing the article and she will talk to John Grismore about Club history

Dark Sky committee - John Blaesi

We made sky quality measurements at OHSP. 21.3 or better

Need volunteers to take measurements

Old Business

Evan could use a letterhead for the Club. This has been discussed in the past but hasn’t been created yet.

New Business

We received a donation of telescope parts and a book from Malcolm Joyce. Is there interest in making a telescope? This could be a project for the youth group.

We received a donation of a Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25” telescope from Mary Grove

John Blaesi is evaluating it—he’s spent some hours working on it!

Need to replace the star diagonal. Approval to buy? Will cost about $190.00

Get an iPad to control it? Could also use 2 or 3 2-inch eyepieces

Need to have a Board meeting

Need Astronomical League coordinator - Kristi Herrman. Denise is filling in.

Need web wizard and social media wrangler - Derek Herrman. Denise is filling in. Need someone with Facebook and Twitter skills

Website migration from classic to new google sites is underway. John Grismore, Denise and Craig are working on this

Our old email address is not being used; John Grismore and Evan both agreed that we can get rid of it. Denise will work on this.

Astronomy News and Events

Astronomy News - Abby Bollenbach not here this evening; she is making presentations for Astronomy magazine.

Latest are “What are Pulsars?” and “The Cosmic Microwave Background”

View at select the Videos tab

Perseverance on Mars

See for images and other information

Astronomy Club of Tulsa - May 18, 7:00

Topic to be determined

OKC Astronomy Club May 14 at 7:00

Flea Market - In Person at Science Museum Oklahoma


Liberty Bell heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil in June

Kalamazoo Astronomical Society Zoom meetings -

“When Worlds Collide - Galaxy Collisions and Their Aftermath” - Dr. Eric F. Bell

May 7 - 7:00pm EST

Meteor showers

May 4-9 Peak of 40/hour May 7

Eta Aquarids - Remnants of Halley’s Comet

AlCor 2021 August 4 in Albuquerque

Upcoming astronomical events

ISS transits the moon - May 15 at appx. 22:49 p.m. but Tulsa is now on the centerline, not Bartlesville.

Lunar eclipse - May 26 11:11 UTC but not total here.

Club Events

Sunfest - June 4-6

Need to sign up - Denise has set up a Zoom meeting for May 22 at 10 a.m. to plan staffing

Need members to help set up and man the booth

Discuss COVID protocols—want all adults who volunteer to be fully vaccinated

Star parties: Rick Buck

Girl Scout Observing Event at Wah-Shah-She - May 15

Maureen of the Tulsa GSA

Meet at 6:30 for setup

They will possibly have an eVscope

Rick, Rick, and Craig will participate in this event; Rick Buck will bring a telescope or two.

There will be 8-12 older Scouts who are working on a badge.

Star Party for Dewey School - TBA

St. Lukes - TBA

Wayside school - TBA

Osage Hills First Light - Next year!

John Blaesi - upcoming events

OHSP? Next week new moon, weather permitting.

Observing reports

OHSP - 21.5 on SQM means magnitude 6.5 to naked eye

OHSP observing next week? Weather permitting.

Member photos—none shown at this meeting, apart from our main presentation

Examiner-Enterprise is doing a feature on BAS

Kim Archer writing the article

Met with photographer at Sooner Park on Friday, April 30

Other club events? Save the date for August 9 and August 9 to observe Jupiter’s moons eclipsing each other.

Tonight’s Program: Bob Young presented a PowerPoint of images taken by various Club members of astronomical events during our year of COVID isolation. These included images taken at the Osage Hills New Year’s Hike on January 1, 2020 before isolation began; images of Comet NEOWISE taken in July; images taken of the Milky Way, Venus, Leo Triplet, the Moon and Bode’s Galaxy taken at various times during the year; and images of the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in December.


Next meeting - June 7. Topic TBD

Volunteers needed for upcoming meetings - Bob Young

Ice cream at virtual Braum’s!!!