September 2020 International Observe the Moon Zoom Event

Members Virtual Event--International Observe the Moon Night, Sept. 26 2020

What: Virtual Zoom star party to observe the Moon and other objects

Who: BAS members

Where: Virtual Zoom session

When: Sept. 26, 8:00 p.m.-11:45 p.m.

Who coordinated: John Blaesi suggested having the event. Denise arranged and hosted the Zoom meeting with our new Club Zoom account. Craig arranged to use the new Club scope.

Publicity used: Discussed at September BAS meeting and Denise sent Zoom invite to members the evening before.

Number of people who attended: Four Club members

Number telescopes used: Four, including the new Club telescope. John Blaesi and John Grismore took images of the Moon. Had one set of binoculars on tripod.

Other materials brought: None. Everyone provided what they needed themselves—including laptop or mobile device to run Zoom--since they were at home.

Materials of location site used: None; everyone was at home.

BAS expenditures: None

What we observed: The Moon, between quarter and full stage. The moon was very bright, and craters along the terminator were striking. At times we could see a golden edge to the terminator. We also observed Jupiter and four moons, Saturn with a moon, and Mars with polar ice cap. It got progressively cloudier through the evening. We also enjoyed discussion among ourselves using Zoom.

Comments: Wish more people would have attended! Should have sent out the Zoom invitation earlier in the week rather than the evening before. The last-minute “increasing clouds” weather forecast for the evening may have discouraged some from attending.