April 2016


Beginning balance March 1 $2009.34

One renewal at 20.00

Payment of 15.00 for Oklahoma nonprofit registration dues

Ending balance March 31 $2014.34

Some guests were present. 31 people attended!

Dark Sky Site update:

We have found one, about 6 miles west of Bartlesville off Hwy 60; you turn right off Hwy 60 on a road towards Brion. The site is in an area of 2 well sites and could handle 4-5 telescopes at a time. We don’t have to contact the site owners in order to visit, and we can go at any time of day or night. However, this is for BAS members only, not for public use. We are not to park or drive on the grass, are to leave no trash, and if it’s wet or muddy, don’t go. If you would like to visit the site, call Steve at 918-337-0802 home or 918-914-3704 cell for specific directions.

OK Mozart star party:

Bus will depart BCC at 8:30 pm June 11 to go to the girl scout Wah Shah She site for the star party. We will be viewing in the area to the west of the lodge. Need volunteers with scopes and also people who can answer questions. Rain date for party is June 12.

BAS Youth Group update from Rick:

Rick is heading up this initiative along with Abby.

Email address: rmbville@gmail.com;


Hope to start this by May/June.

The group will have its own meetings and activities for youth. Want it to be interactive and hands-on.

They are discussing the age group—right now, there are people coming to meetings in the 7-16 age range.

Night Sky Network:

Has different tools and kits; have 3 haven’t used yet.

Club projector—needed for OKM star party as well as other events

We have approved purchase of a projector and will take donations; write a check if you would like it to be tax deductible. We would like to order within the next month; we have a home movie screen we can use.

Sunfest June 3-5:

Denise organizing this and started soliciting signups to man the booth.

Next meeting in May:

For members only, to review our Google groups with Racheeta and John. Bring laptop/iPad/iPhone/tablet, etc. to practice with.

Main program:

20 X 20 presentations were done by

Karen Cruce on Our Solar System, from the sun all the way out to the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. She discussed the planets and their orbits, the asteroid belt, and the dwarf planets.

Rick Bryant on Astrophotography in NE Oklahoma (mostly). He showed beautiful images he has taken of the night sky, mostly in Oklahoma in Bartlesville and locations not far away. Some pictures were taken at the Grand Canyon.

Denise Gregg on Has the Marbled Planet Lost Its Marbles—Kelvin-Helmholtz Wave clouds visible from Earth

Daryl Doughty presented on Earth’s Orbit and Climate—very interesting historical observations and measurements that can be used to refute the idea that global warming “just started”

Evan Zorn presented on a book about Einstein’s Theories that explains his theories in laymans’ terms

Last, an Astro Quiz by John Grismore which touched, in part, on some of the evenings’ presentations

Astronomy News by Abby:

Experiments to simulate Martian soil—growing tomatoes, peas, rocket (arugula), watercress

Total solar eclipse (not visible here) March 9

March 23 penumbral lunar eclipse (just a bit visible here)

Jupiter is bright right now

Astronaut Scott Kelly retires

Bright spots on Ceres changing—Ice?

March 17 impact on Jupiter

May 5 Aquarids Meteors

Night Sky Network—join it