October 2022 Meeting Notes

Bartlesville Astronomical Society Meeting Minutes

October 3, 2022

Opening and Welcome

• Thank you to Denise Gregg for Zoom setup

35 in attendance this evening, including 10/11 members, our guest speaker and 23/24 visitors. I couldn’t determine the exact number of members who came to our meeting as one possible member who attended via Zoom (with no video) was identified by first name only!

We didn’t have a business meeting this evening. The entire meeting time was spent on Dr. Antony Stark’s excellent presentation. Many, many thanks go to the Night Sky Network/NASA for arranging for our very special guest speaker!


• Debbie Neece - Article in November issue of bmonthly magazine the on BAS Moonwatch program in 1958.

• Braum’s after the meeting

Tonight’s Program

• Astronomy’s Final Frontier: The Dark Ages at High Redshift - Dr. Antony Stark

• He works at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian.

• He is the founder of the South Pole Telescope

• Redshift can be explained this way—if a light source is going away from you, it appears red in the color spectrum and the wavelengths are longer. If a light source is moving toward you, it appears blue in the color spectrum, and the wavelengths get shorter.

• Redshift ranges from near zero near the Milky Way to almost infinity, going back to the Big Bang.

• Dr. Stark discussed the stages of the history of the universe, beginning with the Big Bang, and continuing to our expanding universe today, as well as the development of scholarship about the Big Bang and history of the universe, focusing on work done at Harvard.


Next meeting

• Monday, November 7 at library

• Betty Keim of the Bartlesville History Museum will present on North American Tales About the Skies.


Motion to adjourn