November 2012

November 5, 2012 Bartlesville Astronomical Society Business Meeting held at the upstairs meeting room of the Bartlesville Public library.

Treasures report for October, 2012:

Beginning Balance, Oct. 1, 2012 $814.16

Expenses: None

Income: 2 Dues Renewals $ 40.00

Ending Balance, Oct. 31, 2012 $854.16


The motion to adopt the new By-Laws as written by Arden Strycker was moved by Duane Perkins and seconded by Daryl Doughty. The vote to approve was unanimous by the 15 members present.


Daryl Doughty presented tonight's program. "The Eye and the Camera: What you see i not necessarily what you get." The program showed how the vision of humans differs from the images captured by cameras.

Meeting notes submitted by Steve Plank