April 2021 Meeting Notes

Bartlesville Astronomical Society Meeting Minutes

April 4, 2021

Opening and Welcome

Thank you to Denise Gregg for Zoom setup

Thanks for your participation! May want to mute unless speaking.

8 in attendance this evening, including one guest


Library still unavailable for meetings

We will continue to have meetings via Zoom, through May

Thanks to John Grismore, John Blaesi, Mike Woods, and others for the Shut-in Newsletter and our regular newsletter

John Grismore has created 52 shut-in newsletters!!!

Minutes of previous meeting are posted online by Denise Gregg - Approved

Treasurer’s Report - Evan Zorn: Same balance as end of February--$5000.83. No income or expenses in March 2021.

Duescan still pay

Committee Reports

Astronomical League news and activities - Denise Gregg. No news from the Astronomical League this month, but Denise did see that the MSRAL conference that was to have been June 4-6 has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Youth club (BYA) news - Rick BryantRick was not in attendance this evening

Library Display - Update

Abby, Craig, Denise, Evan, and John set up the display from 9:00 until 5:00 on April 1.

Take a look!

Need people to help transport and take down the display on April 30 [This has been changed to May 26 or a date close to that, as the library asked if we could continue our display into May, as the group that had been scheduled for May had to cancel at the last minute.]

Need 6-7 people to help

Think we’ll pack up everything in the display and transport to the church for sorting

If you have items on display, plan to pick them up at the First Christian Church later

Will probably have Zoom meeting to coordinate the removal of the display

Dark Sky committee - John Blaesi

We made sky quality measurements at OHSP. 21.3 or better

Need volunteers to take measurements


Old Businessno other old business discussed

New Business

We received a donation of telescope parts and a book from Malcolm Joyce

Interest in making a telescope?

We received a donation of a Celestron Nexstar Evolution 9.25” telescope from Mary Grove

John Blaesi is evaluating it

Need to replace the star diagonal

Need Astronomical League coordinator - Kristi Herrman

Denise Gregg is filling in

Need web wizard and social media wrangler - Derek Herrman

Denise Gregg is filling in

Need someone with Facebook and Twitter skills

Website migration from classic to new google sites is underway

John Grismore, Denise Gregg, and myself

Club Survey - John Grismore

bvilleastro@yahoo.com email address - Used anywhere?

Astronomy News and Events

Astronomy News - Abby Bollenbach: Abby is making presentations for Astronomy magazine.

Latest are “Pluto’s Icy Heart” and “What are Pulsars?”

View at http://astronomy.com select the Videos tab

Perseverance on Mars

First helicopter flight this week!

https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020 has images

Astronomy Club of Tulsa - April 20, 7:00

“James Webb Space Telescope” - Kelly Lepo


OKC Astronomy Club April 9 at 7:00

Topic to be announced



Liberty Bell heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil in June

Astronauts vs Cosmonauts - April 15 - 9:00 via Zoom

Sixtieth anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight - April 12, 1961

Kalamazoo Astronomical Society Zoom meetings - kasonline.org

“Putting Together the Pieces of the Milky Way - Now with Pictures!” - Timothy Beers

April 9 - 7:00pm EST

Introduction to Amateur Astronomy - April 6 - $150

Need to register online at https://kasonline.org

Meteor showers

April 14-30 - Lyrids - Peak on night of April 21, weather permitting

AlCor 2021 August 4 in Albuquerque

Texas Star Party - May 2-9

Club Events

Sunfest - June 4-6. Need to sign up next month - Denise

Star parties: Rick Buck

Star Party for Dewey School - TBA

St. Lukes - TBA

Wayside school - TBA

Osage Hills First Light - Next year!

John Blaesi events

We had a Messier Marathon with social distancing at Osage Hills March 7. 3 people came. Saw 23 Messier objects plus Asteroid Vesta, NGC 2362 and 2451, plus Mars and a considerable number of constellations!

Observing reports

OHSP - 21.5 on SQM means magnitude 6.5 to naked eye

OHSP observing next week?

Vesta opposition was March 3 in Leo

Magnitude 6.2? 99.8% illuminated

Spotted Vesta asteroid in Leo

Tonight’s Program: View the library video created by Abby and Lashawn that is on display at the library


Next meeting - May 3 topic TBD

Volunteers needed for upcoming meetings - Bob Young