Basic Training for Autism

    • Fact Sheet # 1: What is Autism? - A brief description of autism and links to the best descriptions of autism on the Web. Includes descriptions in 16+ languages.

  • Fact Sheet # 1a-1: Symptoms of Autistic Disorder - ASA. Adapted from the Autism Society of America autism description.

  • Fact Sheet # 1a-2: 12 Questions for Parents - Autism Questionnaire - 12 questions based on the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for autism. Copy the questionnaire, answer it for your child, and take it to your child's physician to aid in diagnosis.

  • Fact Sheet # 1b-1: Social Interaction Symptoms of Autistic Disorder - DSM-IV. A detailed description of the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing social interaction deficits in Autistic Disorder and a "translation" for the rest of us.

  • Fact Sheet # 1b-2: Communication Symptoms of Autistic Disorder - DSM-IV. A detailed description of the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing communication deficits in Autistic Disorder and a "translation" for the rest of us.

  • Fact Sheet # 1b-3: Behavior Symptoms of Autistic Disorder - DSM-IV. A detailed description of the DSM-IV criteria for diagnosing behavior symptoms in Autistic Disorder and a "translation" for the rest of us.

  • Fact Sheet # 1b-4: Autism and I.Q. Tests - Statistics say that many persons with autism are also "mentally retarded", however, measuring the IQ of a person with autism is not as easy as it would seem.

  • Fact Sheet # 1b-5: Getting a Diagnosis - Once a parent suspects autism the next step is finding a professional to diagnose it. That is often easier said than done.

  • Fact Sheet # 1c: Early Detection of Autistic Disorder. Information on the early (before 18 months) signs of Autistic Disorder. Includes a link to the new (2000) American Academy of Neurology and American Academy of Pediatrics practice guidelines for screening and diagnosis in autism.

  • Fact Link # 1c-1: For Pediatricians: Red Flags for Autism. A great paper by the Autism Biomedical Information Network that details the symptoms to look for in young children that may mean there is a possibility of autism. (Thanks to the Allegro School - Cedar Knolls, NJ).

  • Fact Sheet # 1c-2: Warning Signs of Possible Language Delay. A nice checklist developed by the Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services to help you screen your child for possible language delays from age three months to five years.

  • Fact Link # 1d: Developmental Checklist. A link to Jayna's Moms' web site. A very good developmental checklist to keep your child on track.

  • Fact Link # 1e: Another Developmental Checklist. A link to Ray's Autism Page. A good Birth thru Age Five developmental checklist.

  • Fact Sheet # 1f: Related Disorders. Reviewed web sites and general information on disorders related to the Autism Spectrum Disorders.

  • Fact Link # 1f-1: A Survival Guide for People with Asperger's Syndrome. A wonderful and thorough online book by the late Marc Segar. Marc had AS and offers practical suggestions for surviving in the real world.

  • Fact Link # 1g: Geneva Center for Autism - Articles for Parents Some great full-length articles on a variety of topics for the parent of a child with autism. Click on the "Articles" link on this page to access the full-length articles.

  • Fact Link # 1h: Guidelines for the screening and diagnosis of autism. Practice parameter: Screening and diagnosis of autism. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society (Filipek,, 2000). The guidelines are also endorsed and adopted by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

  • Fact Link # 1i: Welcome to Beirut - If you have ever received the well-meaning but somewhat condescending poem, Welcome to Holland, and thought, "Huh?", you may find this irreverent take on the subject humorous and refreshing.

  • Fact Sheet # 1j: Welcome to Schmolland - Holland, Schmolland! Laura Krueger Crawford has most graciously allowed us to reprint her excellent article on what it's really like to visit a place called Schmolland.

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Please send questions, comments, & suggestions to: Gary J. Heffner.

DISCLAIMER: This site is intended to provide basic information resources on Autistic Disorder. It is not intended to, nor does it, constitute medical or other advice. The author of the web site is not a medical doctor. Readers are warned not to take any action with regard to medical treatment or otherwise based on the information on this web site or links without first consulting a physician. This web site does not necessarily endorse any of the information obtained from any of the links on this page or links that other pages may lead you to. Neither does this web site promote or recommend any treatment, therapy, institution or health care plan. The information contained in this site is intended to be for your general education and information only and not for use in pursuing any treatment or course of action. Ultimately, the course of action in treating a given patient must be individualized after a thorough discussion with the patient's physician(s) and family.