
The 2018-2019 Season highlights

Tuesday, May 21st: Wild Burro Audio

On May 21st, we closed out our season with the highly anticipated visit by Dr. Douglas Stauffer, principal at Wildburro Audio, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Wildburro is a developer of boutique full range drivers and have been building budget friendly open baffle speakers for more than a decade. Most recently, there is a new alnico magnet based 8” full range speaker designed for open baffle use. Dr. Doug will present some considerations to take into account with such things, and then showcase two different speaker builds, including a bass assisted, active analog crossover system using an amp-camp amp for power and a Reso enclosure system.

Tuesday, April 16th, Axpona Report, plus Something Different!

On April 16th at 7:00 PM, we look forward to hearing a full report on Axpona, the largest audio expo in North America, from those who were there to Hear It All. Expect a wealth of info.

We are also pleased to accommodate several recent Member requests! There will be a panel

discussion on room acoustics and digital audio, two timely topics for The Society.

Tuesday, March 19th at 7PM - Wireworld Cable Technology!

On March 19 we enthusiastically present Larry Smith, National Sales Manager for Wireworld Cable Technology, a long standing leader in the manufacture of high-performance audio and video cabling products.

Larry will display testing and listening equipment and be able to address questions about cables.

We hope to be able to conduct an Audio and Headphone Cable Polygraph session, as created by Wireworld founder and designer David Salz, and be able to hear and learn exactly what cables do to audiophile sound.

Tuesday, February 19 6:30 PM Meeting: Audio Research Tour

On February 19 we toured tour Audio Research’s new state of the art facility in Maple Grove, MN and experienced a brief presentation, factory tour, and listening room session. A.R.C. has recently moved to this new site and we were privileged to be able to see it all.

Tuesday 7:00 PM January 15 Meeting: Bring 'n Brag 'n Swap

In January we hold our annual Bring 'n Brag music appreciation event.

Please bring a selection or two of your favorite music to play on our Mostly Minnesota Made system.

We have a multiformat disc player and a killer turntable setup (so feel free to bring your clean records) and we can accommodate portable music players as well.

We also hosted a swap meet!

Tuesday November 20 Meeting: Needle Doctor

We are very pleased to present representatives from The Needle Doctor, who will feature a

popular recent product, Bluesound’s “The Vault”, a very advanced wireless ripping, storing, and

audio distributing device.

We hope to rip a CD then compare stored playback to the original CD as well as discuss other

offerings from the Needle Doctor.

Also, there will be a demonstration of the $699 PLX-1000 turntable from Pioneer, apparently a Technics SL-1200 "clone" which has made the recommended components lists for several years in Stereophile.

Tuesday October 16 Meeting: Burning Amp 2018 "Almost Live!"

Our very own Chuck Bottemiller was fortunate enough to attend this year’s Burning Amp DIY meet-up and has constructed a Pass XA25 power amplifier.

Come see and hear about the event and the big DIY show in San Francisco!

Tuesday September 18: Pioneer Personal Audio!

Meaning, well, -headphones! We are pleased to offer our 2018-2019 kickoff meeting featuring Mr. Eric Smith, National Sales Training leader at Pioneer and Onkyo corporations. Eric will give us some background on Pioneer itself, the current audio industry in general, but speak mostly about personal two channel audio, in other words -creating a great audio experience with headphones.

Eric will discuss the most common headphones, Bluetooth earbuds, the technologies that are making Bluetooth ever better sounding, and work our way up to the higher end headphone systems using headphone amp/DACs and better audio sources.