
Highlights of our 2000-2001 Season

May: (June, actually) Our Audio Science Fair. Report & pictures HERE.

April: Dung Tri Mai presents the Wheaton Triplanar tonearm. A work of art.

March: John Atkinson & Wes Philips of Stereophile discuss the future of two-channel and other relevant topics. Enlightening. Follow-up report HERE.

February: The 24/96 PC sound card from Digital Audio Labs. The future is here.

January: . John Stronczer of Bel Canto introduces their digital amp. Cool! (Literally)

November: Our annual B&B concert features "The Best of the Worst" recordings you could possibly imagine. More fun than you might think.

October: Tom Sherman presents a prototype of his "Perfec EQ" all-digital, phase linear equalizer for the pro and audiophile market. It works!

September: Mark Schifter does a super demo of Perpetual Technologies product and donates mucho gear for our raffle. What a guy!