AudioMN Links

Links of interest to Minnesota Audiophiles - a work in progress.

Old Flickr Photostream

Newer Flickr Photostream

General links


Free (legal) downloads

Oliver Masciarotte has been posting a lot of links to free downloads on his twitter feed: @omasciarotte

Mid-Priced DAC List - courtesy of and maintained by Oliver Masciarotte, contains brands, names, features, and prices for over a hundred DACs

Very useful and recommended book: High-End Valve Amplifiers 2

Other Audio Clubs - Stereophile has a nice list, although some links are broken

stereophile list of audiophile societies

Discussion Forums

diyaudio - very large community

parts express techtalk - lots of speaker building threads

Certifiable nuts at the audio asylum ;)

Home theater at avsforum and hometheatershack

Find Nirvana at audiokarma



Audio Research Corporation

bel canto design


