
Highlights of our 1996-97 Season

June: Geoff Poor of Balanced Audio Technology (B.A.T.) discusses & demos their tube and solid-state gear.

May: The single-ended shoot-out, including the Pass Aleph 3 and the Bel Canto Orfeo.

March/April: Albert Von Schweikert discusses his designs and demonstrates his VR-4.5 loudspeaker.

February: Leigh Kamman, host of American Public Radio's "The Jazz Image." Included some fabulous early recordings such as Duke Ellington in a 1932 STEREO recording!

January: Our Annual "Bring & Brag" Audiophile Concert. Playlist available in the February ASM Bulletin.

December: Holiday break

November: Chris Johnson and Maria Di Tomaso of Sonic Frontiers discuss and demo new products.

October: Mike Dzurko of Audio Concepts and Dzurko Acoustics discusses his speakers and demos the Jaguars w/subwoofer.

September: Tour and presentation at Audio Research Corp.