Join Us

A swimming club is a fun way to teach children a life skill. Your child will learn the mechanics and correct breathing techniques and will compete in a safe environment. They will also be learning how to save their own life! Being on a swimming team also creates great friendships, cheering each other on as they train and race, either competitively or just for fun.

Triathletes - need more training time in the pool?

Want to be part of a fun and friendly team?

Free Taster Sessions on Sundays:

 16th, 23rd, 30th June 2024
7th July 2024

Please email Andrea Hurst on to find out more or book your place.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!


How do I join?

1. Come for a taster session

Anyone is welcome to come along and try the club. We usually hold taster sessions and try-outs on a Sunday afternoon by appointment. You do need to book in advance by emailing Andrea Hurst at or complete the survey here.

 A taster session is basically a chance to come along and see what it is like to swim with the club. Whilst there you will be assessed by one of our coaches. To join there's no actual minimum age but a swimmer will usually be above stage 5 on ASA framework or equivalent  or be able to swim 50m on their front, 50m on their back, plus 25m front crawl and attempt at a few strokes of butterfly. Usually this is from the age of 7 years.

2. Take part in a couple of sessions to see if you like it.

Swimmers are welcome to try the club for a couple of weeks before they decide whether to join or not.

After being assessed they will be invited to join the appropriate squad for their level. As a general description, the teaching squad,  Swim Skills, is for swimmers who still need to learn correct strokes (all 4).

Development Squad is for swimmers who's strokes are well developed and are increasing their pace and stamina and take part in novice competitions.

The Junior squad is for swimmers with good strokes and stamina who are developing competitive techniques and can take part in local competitions.

The Senior Squad are for swimmers with good technique, pace and stamina in all 4 strokes who are working towards, or already take part, in open competitions. 

We also have a Challenge Group which is selected from the Senior and Junior Squads. This group have an extra session on a Thursday and is focus on those swimmers who attend the County Championships and higher level galas.  

We welcome entrants at any level not just beginners and would very much like to see athletes wanting to transfer from other sports as teenagers, as we can teach them at an appropriate level with swimmers the same age in our mixed age squads.

3. Sign Up!

How much does it cost?

Annual Membership

£50 per swimmer

Payable annually

Includes Swim England, East Midlands, DASA fees and club administration costs

Monthly Subs

2-sessions per week = £40/month

3-sessions per week = £55/month

4-sessions per week = £65/month

Paid in advance BEFORE the 10th of the month

Includes pool hire, coaching and equipment

Sibling Discount

Main swimmer is charged full subs cost

Additional siblings are charged 90% of full subs costs

Sibling discount is applied to monthly subs costs only

Gala Fees

£5 club fee per gala

Chargeable per swimmer per gala

Includes poolside passes, gala coaching and team manager training courses

Do you have to come to every session?

Yes, we do expect you to attend all training sessions regularly. Obviously if you are ill you do not need to attend. If you are going to be absent for any other reason you should tell your coach in advance.

All squads swim 48 weeks a year. We have 2 week break during August and over Christmas. Swimmers are expected to devote time and energy to their training and to attend all appropriate training sessions every week. Please note the fees are spread evenly over the full 12 months of the year so the payment is the same every month even though we close for Christmas and 3 weeks during the summer holidays. Refunds can not be made for training sessions not attended. 

Paper Work

Upon joining the club we will ask to to complete some membership forms and sign a number of documents which include the following:

Copies of the documents are available if you click on the document name. 

We also have a Privacy Policy which a link to can be found at the bottom of every page. For information about the committee (volunteers who run the club) see Contact Us.

Please note if you wish to leave the club we require a month's notice in writing please. 

What our members say...

Swim club is great because it helps you get fit and is fun. I also like getting to make new friends! I love going to galas so I can challenge myself and see if I can improve my times“ Jacob, swimmer.

"My son joined Ashbourne Swimming Club last year. He loves coming, has lots of fun and has made many new friends. As a parent, I've seen him grow in confidence and find a great hobby that he really enjoys but also keeps him fit and healthy. " Sally parent.