
Wire Editor


    • It is CommSocket component communicating with ARDUINO Boards and is serial Communications method. It is generally used when it’s connected with a USB cable.

  • Supporting Platform

      • Windows

      • OSX (Mac)



    • It is used when you search for available Serial Port

Port Name

    • It shows the selected Serial Port


  • Serial communication speed

  • Baudrate of StreamClass should accord in ArdunityApp.

DTR Reset

    • Enable/Disable to reset ARDUINO board when connecting. (Some boards may not support this feature.)

On Open

  • Unity Event that occurs when a Serial Port is available to use.

On Close

  • Unity Event that occurs when a Serial Port is not available to use.

On Open Failed

  • Unity Event that occurs when attempt of using the Serial Port fails.

On Error Closed

  • Unity Event that occurs when it is not available to use due to error of a Serial Port.

On Start Search

  • Unity Event that occurs when the Serial Port search begins.

On Stop Search

  • Unity Event that occurs when the Serial Port search ends.
