
Wire Editor


    • It is the component representing the board, it must be necessary one per board.

    • ARDUINO compatible boards are supported regardless of kinds.

    • It has an Sketch Option for ARDUINO Sketch


Export Sketch

  • It makes the content implemented on the Wire Editor into the ARDUINO Sketch file.


  • It appears only when Unity Editor is in Play mode.

    • It is used when you connect the communications on ARDUINO board.


    • It appears only when Unity Editor is Play mode.

    • It disconnects the communication link with the ARDUINO boards


    • Selects the communication class used in ARDUINO board. (See Detail)


  • Sets the communication speed in case of Serial Class. (In bps)

  • It must be set to the same bps in case of CommSocket.

RX Pin

  • Sets the RX Pin in case SoftwareSerial is chosen.

TX Pin

  • Sets the TX Pin in case SoftwareSerial is chosen.


    • Select when a protocol is required to transfer data to the communication device. (See Detail)


    • Select when you want to control serial connected multiple ARDUINO boards. (See Detail)

Bypass Baudrate

  • Sets the communication speed in case of Serial Class. (In bps)

  • It must be set to the same bps in case of StreamClass.

Bypass RX Pin

  • Sets the RX Pin in case SoftwareSerial is chosen.

Bypass TX Pin

  • Sets the TX Pin in case SoftwareSerial is chosen.

PWM Resolution

    • Affects the control using ARDUINO analogWrite

    • PWM control resolution

ADC Resolution

  • Affects the control using ARDUINO analogRead

  • ADC resolution


    • The reference time to judge the disconnection of communication with the ARDUINO board (in sec)

    • Equal to the reference time which the communication is determined as dead between ARDUINO board and Unity

On Connected

    • Unity Event occurs when communication is connected with ARDUINO boards

On Connection Failed

    • Unity Event occurs when communication fails to be connected with ARDUINO boards

On Disconnected

    • Unity Event occurs when communication is disconnected with ARDUINO boards

On Lost Connection

    • Unity Event occurs at the time the connection is cut off when ARDUINO board has no response during Timeout time.
