
Wire Editor


    • It is Bluetooth SPP and used with equipment like HC-06 generally. It is CommSocket component communicating with ARDUINO board.

    • Platform to support

      • Android

    • As Bluetooth SPP is used as Serial Port in Windows or OSX, it is OK to use CommSerial.



    • Time to be used for Bluetooth device discovery (in sec)

    • Exit the automatic device search after a specified time.

On Open

    • Unity Event that occurs when Bluetooth becomes available

On Close

    • Unity Event that occurs when the Bluetooth becomes not available

On Open Failed

    • Unity Event that occurs when attempt of using Bluetooth fails

On Error Closed

    • Unity Event that occurs when Bluetooth is not available to use due to error

On Start Search

    • Unity Event that occurs when the Bluetooth search begins

On Stop Search

    • Unity Event that occurs when the Bluetooth search ends
