
MPU Series is very famous AHRS(or IMU) sensor in Arduino.

ARDUnity supports MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, MPU9250.

MPU Series is controlled by I2C communication in ARDUnity. (Not support SPI type)

So, MPU Series must be wired by SCL, SDA pin.

First, you should select correct model you have.

Second, you should make to match orientation between board and Unity.

(You should regard Y-axis of MPU as Z-axis of Unity.)

If you have assemble the circuit as above, export Sketch by running the sample Unity Scene to find ArdunityApp.

(See how to export sketch from ArdunityApp)

The generated Sketch can be uploaded to the board by using Arduino IDE.

(See how to upload sketch)

If the circuit used in Unity Scene is the same circuit, you do not need to repeat the same Export Sketch & Upload.

Through out the following videos, refer each sample Scene how it works.