Control by Bluetooth

ARDUnity supports Bluetooth control.

To control Bluetooth in ARDUnity, you must first purchase the ARDUnity Deluxe version.

ARDUnity Deluxe version includes CommBluetooth and HM10 in CommSocket.


    • Bluetooth 2.0 SPP(Serial Port Profile)

    • Support platform

      • Android


    • Bluetooth 4.0

    • Only support HM-10 characteristic. (Not support other Bluetooth 4.0 device)

    • Support platform

      • Android

      • iOS

      • macOS

You can control Bluetooth by using CommSerial in ARDUnity Basic.


    • Bluetooth 2.0 SPP(Serial Port Profile)

    • You must first add the device port using add Bluetooth menu in OS.

    • You can use a USB dongle that supports Bluetooth 2.0 SPP.

    • Support platform

      • Windows

      • macOS