How to use Wire Editor

ARDUnity has a various components.

It is a reason that Wire Editor is needed for wiring each component.

You can find Wire Editor in ARDUnity menu.

You can see the menu when click right button of mouse.

The menu is disabled when next conditions is satisfied.

    • There is no selected GameObject.

    • The specific component is required.

When selecting, it is appeared a block and added component in Inspector.

You can move a block when dragging.

If you want to remove added block, you select the block and click right button of mouse.

It is recommend to create each GameObject and add component to it.

A node of bold font has a connectable wire.

It can be shown when clicking and dragging of mouse.

You can find connectable node in white when dragging.

Wiring is completed when you drop target node.

Each node has a mark and it means below contents.

    • ● : Reference variable

    • ○ : Reference target

    • ← → : Transmission data start

    • → ← : Transmission data end

It is appeared a tooltip text when hovering mouse.

Tooltip of node(←, →) has a special rule.

    • Input<Format>

    • Output<Format>

    • Input and Input can be connectable, Output and Output can be connectable.

    • Each Format must be same.