
Step1. Get Unity

The first thing you need to do is to install the Unity to use the Ardunity.

Download Unity

Step2. Get Ardunity

Ardunity are sold in the Unity Asset Store

Resolve Import Error

Following error may appear in the Console Winodw, when you first Import the Ardunity to the Unity Project.

To resolve this problem, proceed as follows

    1. Find Menu & Click (Edit->Project Settings->Player)

    2. See "Inspector View"

    3. Click "Other Settings" tab

    4. Find "Optimization/Api Compatibility Level"

    5. Change ".Net 2.0 Subset" to ".Net 2.0"

Step3. Ready for Arduino

You must have an Arduino Board.

Ardunity supports all series of Arduino Board and whether it is official or compatible board.

Arduino IDE must be installed in your PC

Download Arduino IDE

You 're all set to use the Ardunity when all these procedures are duly finished.