Home -  Southern Colonial Phelps yDNA Paternal Lineages

Be sure to click the down arrows in the index (on the left) to view the various southern Phelps including other lines.                                          

If  you see no index, click the three bars on the upper left.


Don't overlook the research links found at the end of this page.

Revised 1/2024

Welcome to the yDNA reported lineages of tested Phelps.  The Phelps genealogies in section 6 on the left are complete and directly relate to the FTDNA project at  Phelps of Caswell, Albemarle, Baltimore Ctys ,   The Phelps of Caswell, NC; Albemarle, VA; Baltimore Co, MD lineages are in SECTION 6 ON THE LEFT and is the primary site for such reporting by yDNA tested members.    Be sure to expand section 6 into its breakouts by clicking as desired.

The overall LARGE FTDNA Phelps project is at Phelps yDNA Project .   

 If you are interested in other Phelps lines please click the other index sections on the left and review them, but It is suggested you find more complete projects on the internet .  Links may be included..

 In 8/2020 this web site was converted to the new Google Site format, using their conversion tool.  The process removed text formatting (colors, etc) as well as distorted some other formats.  

SNP testing is rapidly becoming a tool for genealogy.  You may want to review the information pages at SNPS and the E-M44 Phelps

4/2019:  Due to the unanticipated removal of the author's web space by the ISP Suddenlink.net  resource documents in that web space had to be recreated elsewhere.  As a result resource links found within this web site had to be changed to link to the new resource site.  A number more were fixed in

9/2019   D Phelps has resolved the issue by using the Original web space.  Due to those alternating sites, some links will remain invalid until corrected.  Please notify the author of this site for missing links you need.

If your southern colonial Phelps line cannot prove an immigrant origin, you may want to review the downloadable reports at the end of this page.  They include:

The yDNA Phelps testing project for ALL Phelps is at the official FTDNA Phelps yDNA Project While viewing the  FTDNA yDNA page.  

Additional research on some southern colonial lines can be found at A Repository of Genealogical Research on Southern Phelps Families of the 18th and 19th Centuries  and at the blog, Phelps Family Research Team Blog