06C.2  FGC67854 dys576=16,dys449=34  A10162-   Johnston Co, NC & TN

06C.2.5  FGC67854 dys576=?   dys449=34

5/5/2018:  Member 331140 David Whitman Phelps b. 1817 Tennessee was added to this group based on SNPs and STRs.

Lineages displayed here were provided by individual ydna kit members, or their representatives, who are solely responsible for providing any ethical or copyright credits..

Yellow highlight indicates doubt

Green = Triangulated most recent common ancestor

                                         REVISED 7/17/2017 2  MEMBERS BELOW  ARE CONFIDENT        

 1.   Thomas Felps b: Abt. 1680 d: 1758 in Baltimore Co, Md  (reported by kit 121475 who apparently used Ed Phelps/Not a current member)

       2   Aventon Felps b: 1711 in Baltimore Co, Md d: 1758 in Rowan county, NC   (reported by kit 121475)

              3. Thomas Abner Felps

            3, Williams  

            3.  John,b. 1748  (but perhaps invalid)

            3.   Aquilla Felps b: 1731 in Baltimore Co, Md d: 1788 in Rowan county, NC   (reported also by 121475)  Descendants ,270109 & 114440, are confident of Aquila as the father of William below.  121475's initial information agreed but did not respond for a confirmation.   At least one other researchers very much disagrees.   ED PHELPS 2010 SHOWS WILLIAM SON OF AVENTON. Likely FGC67854 dys576=16,dys449=34 A10162-

                 4.  William Phelps )b. abt 1750, Johnston County NC [became Orange Co 1752;Rowan Co 1753]   d. abt 1783 Richmond County, GA   m. Elizabeth Jones  Triangulated DYS449=34  Assumed dys576=16,dys449=34  A10162-

                         5.   Aventon Phelps


                         5.   David D. Felps b: 1769 in North Carolina d: 1816 in Georgia

                          |    6.   John Thomas Felps b: 1785 in Holston, NC d: 1822 in Warren Co, KY

                          |           7.   William K. Felps b: 29 Mar 1803 in Hancock, GA d: 16 Feb 1883 in Ky  (Branch for Ed per 121475)   2008:121475 reported he researched from here down.

                          |                  8.   William Henry Felps b: 17 Aug 1830 in Bowling Green, Warren Co, KY d: 31 Jul 1906 in Dent Co, Mo (Union Cemetery)

                          |                        9.   Charles Sterling Phelps b: 20 Oct 1875 in Meramac Township, Dent Co, MO d: 26 Jul 1944 in Pueblo, CO

                          |                              10.     James Corbett Phelps b: 07 Jul 1904 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas d: 23 Dec 1990 in Pueblo, CO

                          |                                          Descendant kit 121475 DECEASED  DYS449=34    DYS576 not tested

                              5.   Aquilla Phelps b. abt 1772, NC  d. 1853  Jasper County, GA m. Nancy Noland 1793 (2) Mildred Gibson Willis Bull

                                6.   William Phelps b. 1797, Jasper County GA   d. abt 1850,  McNairy County TN   (maybe some connection with Ponds?) m. Tabitha Parker, (2)Lucy.  To McNairy CO, TN with two sons but without Tabitha

                                |       7.    George Washington Phelps   In Harrison Co, GA in 1850 In Russel Co, Ala with mother Tabitha

                                |       7.    William Hearne Phelps  b. 26 Oct 1822,  Jasper County GA   d. 25 Feb 1911, McNairy County TN m. Mary Ann Smith 1849 (2) Virginia Canfield  In Harrison Co, GA in 1850. Later back to McNairy Co, TN       

                                               8.  Benjamin Aquilla Phelps  b. 1 Jan 1850, Harris County GA  d. 1 Jan 1934, McNairy County TN  m. Laura Ann Poindexter

                                                     9.  Wilburn Phelps  b. 16 Apr 1882, Michie, McNairy, County TN  d. 10 Sep 1961, Memphis, Shelby, TN

                                                                            10.   Charles Lee Phelps  b.  5 Mar 1903, McNairy County TN  d. 23 Feb 1963, Memphis, Shelby, TN

                                                                                                    Descendant Kits  

                                                                                                      114440 DYS449=34 DYS576 not tested    FGC67854 +,   A10162 --

David Whitman Phelps b. Feb 25, 1817 Tennessee

revised 11/8/2017

     1.   David Whitman Phelps b. Feb 25, 1817 Tennessee (see note 1) ,  d. Feb 12, 1888 Ridgely, Bullock County, Alabama.  m.  Mahalah Elizabeth Deloach 26 Jan 1843 in Harris Co. Kit owner is confident back to this David.    

             2.  William Riley Phelps,  b. Oct 5, 1855, Macon County Alabama d. Dec 22, 1922, Enon, Pike County, Alabama

                  3.  John Thomas Phelps, b.Sept 1, 1902, Josie, Pike County, Alabama d.20 Nov 1943, Monroe County Florida

                              Descendant kit 331140  Positive SNPs Z31503 > FGC67854 dys576=16  dys449=34 Negative SNPs A10162(confirmed by a snp test), A6108  4 Unique SNPs BY26834  & A2475   This kit did a Big Y SNP test, analyzed by Yfull and was shown to be  negative for ALL known M44 Phelps SNPs.  Unfortunately he did not show any unique novel snps back to Z31503 which would have helped in ageing.  A later analysis by Fullgnomes uncovered SNP FGC67854 which was approved by Yfull.com  Yfull matched that with Kit 108456 of the Felps Baltimore line.  Later FTDNA showed 2 unique snps   See the discussion above for details.

 Note 1: Pulaski, Giles CO, TN may be the location based on questionable info.

Genealogy comment from project members

7/1/2017  Provided by

Rebecca Bryant:    David Whitman m. Deloah 1843 in Harris Co, GA. There were only 2 Harris Co households in the 1840 Harris census from which his wife could have come: Augustus or W. Deloach. There were no Phelps or derivatives in the same district as Augustus.

However, there were 2 Philips living close to W. Deloach:   [Ancestry.com:]  https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/8057/4411223_00581?pid=1759664&backurl=http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?_phsrc%3Devz2683%26_phstart%3DsuccessSource%26usePUBJs%3Dtrue%26indiv%3D1%26db%3D1840usfedcenancestry%26gss%3Dangs-d%26new%3D1%26rank%3D1%26gsln%3DDel*%26gsln_x%3DNP_NN_NS%26msrpn__ftp%3DHarris%2520County,%2520Georgia,%2520USA%26msrpn%3D1310%26msrpn_PInfo%3D7-%257C0%257C1652393%257C0%257C2%257C0%257C13%257C0%257C1310%257C0%257C0%257C0%257C%26msrpn_x%3DPACO%26msrpn__ftp_x%3D1%26MSAV%3D1%26MSV%3D0%26uidh%3D2n6%26pcat%3D35%26fh%3D8%26h%3D1759664%26recoff%3D20%26ml_rpos%3D9&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=evz2683&_phstart=successSource&usePUBJs=true

A Philips and J Philips also a couple of Williams and a Hartsfield.    I can t tell for sure, based on the 1850 and 1830 censuses, if these men were actually Phillips.

There were no Phelps in the same district as David Whitman in 1850 and none in the same county so far as I can tell, so I don t know where folks got that David Whitman is a son of David Sr.


Walter Phelps:

David Whitman Phelps of Pulaski, Giles, Tennessee in the 1820 census is not the same David Phelps/Felps of neighboring Lincoln Co. Tn. in the 1840 census. The Lincoln  Phelps)

David Whitman Phelps' parents were both born in Georgia according to the 1880 census record.    The father David Phelps Sr. was age 45 or over in the 1820 Pulaski, Giles Co., Tn. census.   One final suggestion to Kenneth, go to your local library or book store and get the book "History of Harris County, Georgia 1827 - 1961 by Louise Calhoun Barfield.  According to the American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) they list the aforementioned book as a source for your David W. Phelps birthplace as Tennessee-Georgia in 1810 Harris County. There could also be something about David Sr.  [The book was used in this research]  (from Walter Phelps)

According to the 1820 Pulaski, Giles, Tennessee census they list the head of household as David Phelps age 45 or over, and two males age 0 - 10 plus others, including a younger female age 15 to 26. David Whitman Phelps would have been one of the two males ages 0 - 10, and his father would be David Phelps age 45 plus. The 1880 census says the parents of David W. Phelps were born in Georgia.  (from Walter Phelps)

To view the reported Phelps who located in early Georgia, view the PDF in the Files section of this page. 

 Other information about GA Phelps may be found in the Souther Phelps Research site

331140 YDNA Discussion

By 11/2017 SNP testing and extended STR testing concluded this line has a common ancestor with the Felps of Baltimore lineage  since some time beginning about 1500 up to the early 1700s.     SNP testing has also concluded that this line is of the Z31503 and has a shared new snp FGC67854 (or common ancestor) .  ALL other non-Felps of Baltimore lines are now excluded.which includes:ALL the other M44 > Z31503 Phelps .

Initially this man was Big Y tested and analyzed byYfull.  They reported NO private identifying SNP but did place him with the other Phelps having Z31503. Very unusual.   Hoping to find an identifying snp, we had Fullgnomes.com do an analysis.  I, Doug Phelps, researched the findings at great length.  Of 4 new snps, one was FGC67854 which Yfull.com later acknowledged.  This snp was matched uniquely  Felps of Baltimore line, kit 108456. 

Additionally STRs  support this finding.    That analysis puts this man closer than any other BIG Y tested Phelps: the Felps of Baltimore line, kit 108456.   The analysis is seen below. 

Based on these analyses, it seems clear that this line had a common ancestor with the line of 108456 coming from Baltimore  As of 11/2017 the identifying SNP of 108456 is SNP A10162 but it appears to have mutated around 1700 or so.   Thus the common ancestor discussed here could be Thomas Felps of Baltimore, but could be before or after!   {108456’s branch mutated A10162 and DYS449=35 (as all that line has)