
Treatises on Subjects of Philosophical and Political Interest

ALIENS AMONGST US - Hidden Agendas, Unknown Threats

why don't people think for themselves?

this page links to different subjects the reader might find interesting regarding theories thought up by myself along the vein of 'life, the universe and everything'.

i don't believe that everything has been thought about, discussed and published to the point that more thought on the matter is a waste of time. people should think for themselves, and it seems to be a forgotten art these days. people rely on books, documentaries and newspapers to form their strongest opinions, without once questioning the credibility of the article it is based on. a little more common sense would make the whole world seem a different place.

people even seem to forget the most basic knowlege they learned at secondary or high school. worse, so many things simply aren't even taught at school these days. history, even science, seem not as important. but school is where we receive the base of our understanding of the world - our outwards perspective. and these days the foundation seems a little shaky.

if you gave careful thought, and a little research, to an opinion you held dearly, would you still hold to it? there's only one way to find out...

and you might just find yourself astounded at what you have thought up, realised, discovered and written down for yourself - whether it be a profound treatise, or an inspiring adage.

there are any number of ways to be a bully, but the moment you stop thinking for yourself you become a target for all.