
Ethics of Technology Use

ALIENS AMONGST US - Hidden Agendas, Unknown Threats

d'att or warp state technology lead to the rapid rise to power and even more rapid decline in what would be called moral fibre of every society which reached that stage of technological development. rampant and unchecked abuse and destruction of entire species, the interference of cultural development, psychological 'experiments' and boimedical 'studies' - you name it, they do it, and it is **never** illegal. some say there is nothing wrong with it, after all the victims are all on primitive worlds, many of which don't even know what space flight is. some say it is just consequence of technological development. the truth is that it is just 'too hard' to enforce, so they may as well make it legal.

aura and the soul (ethics of warp state travel)

"ocasionally referring to the 'normal' magnetic field forces surrounding the body" has become regular with the use of biofeedback methods used in conjunction with the photography itself. this does not show the aura, and yet people more and more believe it does. biofeedback as they call it involves passing a current through the body or part of the body that you want to photo. and a boi-electric or biomagnetic image is exactly what you get. if anything, it interferes with the aura.

the aura of a living thing has one predominent colour (with possibly a secondary colour appearing somewhere within the aura field), perhaps with variation in hues or shades. to look at an aura photo is to look at something which cannot be measured, calculated or quantified. it is etheric. once we think on that, it's only a small jump to conclude we are looking at the state of someone's spirit, and from that the energy radiating from their soul. when the living spirit or soul comes under duress or distress of some kind the aura shrinks. when it comes under attack, as in something passes through this (ie, your body), it collapses. under these circumstances we could expect the colours to reflect this.

"here i have been in a place where astrals and ghosts wander freely. too freely, for they are lost - separated from what they are or should be in terms of the astrals and living mortals, and wounded or desperate for loved ones as ghosts. i urge all to consider the unseen. meditate with care. leave not yourselves open to attacks you can't see, be aware of what is around you that shouldn't be. and be understanding of those who cannot rest, for most mean no harm, but because of attacks upon their spirit while they lived, their souls bear scars which must heal before they settle. the most common cause of such scarring is warp state travel, or d'att. living matter should not be passed through. even trees and grass have souls. and all living souls are distressed when solid things pass through them. it is an unnatural occurance. and while this is common and proved through aura observation, only planets of sophisticated societies that use this technology as an everyday occurance deem it neccessary to protect, and then only themselves from such distress of the soul. and it is also known that a soul under such distress will become unsettled even in the living form to the extent that astral travelling in known to become more prevelent amongst worlds exposed to constant traffic and interference.

the other threat which will be less believed by peoples that do not know their true nature is the threat of the eholim, the most powerful of which is the archangels. these monsters, for that is what those that choose this path become, feel upon the blood of the spirit and the flesh of the soul. guarding yourself astrally is the best way to protect yourself. remember that natural astral travellers are not aware that part of their souls wander. be sure to instruct those you love, and do so yourself, to say "i withdraw into myself" three times not with mouth, not with mind, but with heart. this is a sincere warning. you may do with it as you wish, but it is given."

- t'droia-deh abet-h, sept 17, 2008, who was astralling while travelling in warp state at the time (not widthin earth or its atmosphere).

[astral travelling is a common occurance in warp state and most people who live or travel in that state on a regular basis train to be able to do it. we, as in things in natural state, look grey and flat to them. astrally they can 'see' things properly. anything in warp state looks normal though.]

so why is this electrical interference pattern being flaunted as a true aura image? given that the technique was developed by nikolas tesla i think it was an attempt by the united states military to quantify the aura, specifically for circumstances where somthing in warp state was passed through the body. it didn't. but what they came up with was a perfect way of disguising the damage. then it was just a matter of clever marketing. they're good at that. after all, they had the world convinced that smoking cigarettes didn't cause cancer for how many decades (with their own scientific studies to back it up of course)?

cloning and the cost

cloning has meant billions of people are not born. and they know this. and it affects their every behaviour. because they are cheaply made, because they are not born, they do not value life. each successive clone of the same person, accelerated to the appropriate age development, knows cumulatively by programming what the previous one did. therefore every attitude is reinforced. their personality changes but only for the worse. negative traits carry with more strength than any change induced by positive experience. they do not value life because they **know** they were not born of parents, that they will outlive any primitive that was, and that their life pattern will not improve. the negative trait carry-over, considered inevitable with biointeraction, is countered by the very elite of the calresians by ensuring that every forth clone is allowed to regrow from a very young state so that they may be retrained in their thinking processes.

to counter this amongst their various slave castes, the masters have devised and long used religion to control their personality traits. through generational religious 'training', they teach that love is the most important thing, and that ego is undesirable. this creates the most efficient attitude amongst slaves in regards to productivity and pliability.

(as explained by eldreg'k, mar 30, 2008)

.... let's see what is publically known - or at least admitted - on earth.

firstly lets have a look at the story and fate of probably the most famous cloned animal. Scottish Dolly the sheep:

from the wikipedia website -

"Dolly (July 5, 1996 – February 14, 2003), a female sheep or ewe, was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. The cell used was a mammary gland , proving that a cell taken from a specific body part could create a whole individual. She was named Dolly after the curvaceous country western singer Dolly Parton. Previously it was believed that a specific cell could only produce replicas of the same body part from which it was obtained. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and lived there until her death at age six. Her birth was announced in February 1997."

"On November 11, 2003 it was announced that Dolly had been euthanised because of a progressive lung disease and crippling arthritis. A Finn Dorset such as Dolly would have had a life expectancy of around 12 - 15 years."

the autopsy concluded that dolly did not die as a result of being a clone. however she developed diseases only aged sheep were prone to suffer. remember she was cloned from a six year old sheep. so at the age of seven, genetically she was already 13 years old. she barely reached half the life span of a naturally born sheep.

now lets look at what isn't known and what can only be speculated... the military applications of cloning have already been developed for the united states. why would i suggest this? only because they are trying to commercialise cloned animals. just as the microwave oven (one of raytheon's) came onto the market after the military developed other microwave uses. as with the latest microwave croud control 'guns', we are expected to believe they are perfectly safe and harmless to humans.

we also know that america have long held a polital interest in eugenics or genetic manipulation.

"throughout the [nineteenth] century men of the sturdy stocks of the north of europe had made up the main strain of foreign blood which was every year added to the vital working-force of this country or else men of the latin-gallic stocks of france and northern italy, but now there came multitudes of men of the lower class and men of the meaner sort out of hungary and poland — men out of the ranks where there was neither skill nor any initiative of quick intelligence ..." - united states president woodrow wilson, writing in his "history of the american people of the shift in immigration to the united states" at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century .... (cont)

"in the name of science"

so what is being said here - physical and subtle? in dern (or natural space) and d'att (or warp state). remember that d'att is still a physical state. they are not spirits or divine, and if they were, what use would they have for material items anyway. no, we are not talking about some divine force here. this is alien interference, pure and simple - experimenting, manipulating, damaging, and all without consent. would you agree to have a head full of wiring? or be injected with viruses to see if your body could generate a useful antibody? maybe having all sorts of objects just tossed into your body for the heck of it...

of course a head full of wiring also makes it easy for the ascended masters and their ilk to communicate in a supposedly divine way with their spokespeople on earth. afterall, not everyone's telepathic, and transmitted commucation and monitoring is much more convenient. if you don't think artificial telepathy is real, well it is, even as a civilian invention on earth, though it is nowhere near as complicated as the one used by the aliens on their (usually) unwary subjects. and it's not just the head that gets wired. the whole body can, for little reason other than their twisted amusement sometimes.

keeping control

"emergency measures are in place in case the spirit tahn can live up to its claims to destroy the d'att technology which has made its most recent life so difficult. it's claims that our glorious machines of advancement are a threat to souls and also to the advancement of less civilised species we graciously have assisted through their evolvement have been largely ignored, but a number of recent incidents unexplained by conventional means and its clear resistance to the overlord, michael's, rule mean that this creature may actually succeed in overturning thousands of years of technological development. turmoil reigns in what were once considered assimilated docile societies as memories of 'interference' and domination are brought to the boil. all focus is now of bringing these recalcitrants under control, delaying further expansion. rumours unconfirmed continue to circulate that arcturan heads of law and development are already preparing designs for more efficient conventional space travel as a precaution are vigorously denied in media enquiries.

all attempts at exterminating religous groups opposed to this unique and beneficial way of enlightening primitive societies, although successful, have further expanded unrest. extreme measures of planetary termination have reluctantly been put into place on several minor planetoids and slave races have been injected with regulatory substances to keep keep them performing their duties. major cloning corporations are urging more stringent action and are reinforcing their infrastructure in order to keep rebels out. unfortunately actual defence against d'att state, never needed before, have proven difficult to develop to efficient standards.

concerns are that if the eholim are unable to destroy this nuisance elohim that civilisation itself may be thrown backwards." - mar 12, 2008.

"not in my backyard" - haarp

we all know that the major powers perfer to perform their less savoury and downright lethal military experiments on someone else's soil, as was the case with nuclear tests. the HAARP was also built and tested well away from america - in the antarctic. but it wasn't tested on earth alone.

"know americans and allies of the new world order, who are responsible for the death of eight worlds** and the interference of the social evolution of 43 others (that we know of) that we do watch..."signed, illne'ah **

**eight worlds, destroyed in the 'zero point' effacy tests. which in this case means how far the haarp could be 'turned on', the intensity that would cause the world to tear itself apart. the other 43? well, they had to see what partial steps would do. on earth they only caused a 'pinhole', which thinned in a spreading circle the upper atmosphere as it compensated (how can you literally keep a 'hole' in the air?)...

eight worlds... what made their species less important than our own?... i wonder how many of the other 43 will survive the next 200 years.

playing with the primitives

" telepath. surely this pest will be put to death soon."

"and this [stupid] moratorium* on the transnet** will be removed"

"yes, it's a most convenient way to travel."

"and playing on primitive worlds is so amusing."

"...i must admit i like toying with the apes."

"who cares if some run over the cliff's edge? they're just primitives."

- conversation between two female civillians from a world called something like calleschient. sept 11. 2007

* local moratorium in place on some planets while the safety of the system is reviewed.

** transport system