
Precautions for Metaphysical Practices

ALIENS AMONGST US - Hidden Agendas, Unknown Threats

astralling/astral projection and out of body experiences

an astral is a reflection of the soul it comes from. but people who astral are not necessarily aware that they are doing it. they may have no awareness at all, or the experiences may be 'filtered' through a dream. however dreams are interpreted by the sleeping mind, and any concepts or circumstances that the person has no reference to will be misinterpreted in the dream when they try to recall it.

some people deliberately try to astral but again this doesn't mean that they are in control or have clear and accurate recall of what was experienced once their astral form as left their body. basically there is a difference between having an astral and astral travelling. that difference being control and conscious awareness as the astral experience is occurring. without that you are having an "out of body experience" rather than astral travelling.

it is also important to remember that the astral is not a "separate entity". it is a division in your own spirit, but should never be viewed as "separate". a soul, however divided, is still a soul.

these might be some common questions, or perhaps they are things you haven't even given thought to :-

1. Can somebody from astral world prevent me from astral projection?

yes, and what's more your astral state can be controlled by another/others as well unless you are well practiced at being consciously aware of what your astral is doing as you are astralling.

2. i hear someone else speak, different voices.

you may be hearing other living mortals. i consider that most likely, although it could be ghosts, creatures of spirit or other people's astrals.

3. what are the solutions for the above?

keen awareness. be aware, make notes if you can of all said around you. do not put yourself in positions or circumstance where you might be manipulated. for astralling focus on a mental defence that you created and meditate on it. something "if control is not mine i race to my body".

if you want to sit and meditate, burn incenses like myrrh, neroli or one called "worth", frankincense. and meditate in an enclosed room to keep the incense strongly in the air. under no circumstance listen to audio material which alters your brain wave patterns waking or sleeping.

4. Those people(spirits) try to deceive me, control my body. and what are the solutions(Spiritual & Medical)? and how can i heal this?

firstly i recommend saying to yourself not with mouth, not with your mind but with your heart "i withdraw into myself", three times. it's been reported to me that some even feel an immediate effect and the urge to sigh out loud.

secondly be aware that as human beings it is our eyes which we most use to judge the sincerity of a person - we instinctively read their body language. but when it comes to beings invisible we are without this vital tool to judge their sincerity. they can fake their vocal expressions, project any image they want into our minds to pretend friendliness, or that they are benign or wise. but remember they are just acting, possibly to gain your trust, possibly just to see how you react. dream interference is also a problem as the sleeping mind can be stirred into a controlled dream state by telepaths.

thirdly there are two tumble stones you should by if you feel that your soul may have been disturbed. jet (black jet from coal, not the tree) to soothe the spirit and tektite to discourage ghosts passing through your body. i wear one of each at all times to my skin, one at my left ankle or leg and the other at my right.

automatic writing

automatic writing is about composition that tries to dispense with conscious control or mental censorship. closing the eyes isn't necessary (fortunately, because some use the keyboard). nor is it necessary to "blank" your mind. but a word of warning. like all other communication with invisible beings, you don't know their intention. you don't know their sincerity, and you can't simply tell by what they commumicate or make you feel.

the one/s giving you the words could spin an entire bunch of lies so never assume you are dealing with someone "good". don't expect to feel negativity. this is a fallacy. think of actors on tv or when you are watching a movie. it is natural to become emotionally involved, yet it's all pretense on the big screen. it is too easy for invisible beings to fake the feelings and images you pick up on. especially as you are less one vital clue which we humans depend on when making personal judgements - body language. you can't see their bodies, and to be honest they can present any "image" of themselves they want telepathically.

runes, tarot cards and other methods of divination

i believe with tarot cards particularly, but also with other forms of divination, that tradiononal meanings should always and only be used. the simple fact is that there are to many invisible influences on the mind of the reader and to sway away from what the cards traditionally mean opens the way for these invisible forces to push what they want the interpretation to be.

what methods of self protection do you use?

"pineal gland activation"

the pineal gland is exactly that - a gland in our heads which is stimulated by ultraviolet light taken into our eyes. it's physical, decidedly non mysterious, and is vital in humans - producing melatonin which controls our sleep patterns. the secretions it produces also controls our metabolic rate. the pineal gland controls our "biological clock" as in how lethargic or energetic we feel. it controls how well our bodies and mind rest when we sleep. melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland is a powerful antioxident. the function of the pineal gland also controls our immune system. and i haven't even scratched the surface as to the importance of the pineal gland for normal and healthy function of our minds and bodies. if you want to destroy yourself physiologically in every way, go ahead and mess with your pineal gland. personally i think it would be insane. that the pineal gland does regulate metabolism in all animals does explain it's emphasis for reptoid aliens. as in their bodies, like reptiles on earth the pineal gland is much larger in their brains and being 'cold blooded' the pineal gland has a vital roll in in their bodies more critical to ours. hence an artificial light source which sufficiently mimics natural sunlight is an absolute necessity to their dominatiion of space. that is not to say that exposure to ultraviolet rays is not necessary for humans as well. without it we would also become lethargic, depressed, and our skins would become pasty and grey (hence the term 'greys' traditionally used as another word for slaves). but with reptoid species their bodies would be in danger of 'shutting down' - possibly to death if they are not stimulated by the ultraviolet light in time.

it would also explain these aliens' interest in our own pineal glands - to harvest the secretions they need but don't produce enough off because of their space flights or because they live in space craft and are deprived of natural sunlight. it's something of a joke that LSD is almost always mentioned in the same breath as the pineal gland. LSD is a synthetic peptide. peptides stimulate the sudden overproduction of melatonin and other secretions by the pineal gland. probably why some some abductees think they're having mad sex. the aliens would easily have their own version of LSD to inject into the pineal gland (causing massive halucinations - which they would be able to control telepathically - and orgasms) allowing them to collect the secretions. and the abductee is left with a smile on their face, and a memory of unbelievably wild and uninhibited sex. but if sex did occur in that state, you know what it the term for it would be, don't you? - rape. i believe it's another case of people knowing the truth but refusing to accept it. which means any alternative becomes "plausible".